old school nutrients


Active Member
Trying to provide the best soil for my plant and I'm wondering if anyone knows some old school dirt mixes. There must be some good soil that is easier to obtain that those mentioned in the grow FAQ.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Trying to provide the best soil for my plant and I'm wondering if anyone knows some old school dirt mixes. There must be some good soil that is easier to obtain that those mentioned in the grow FAQ.
Yo stoney. Are we talking homemade soil mixes, or are you talking about store bought mixes? Plus, where are you located? State, climate etc., all play a big part. Where I live our climate is what is called "semi tropical". It means that all western side of my island chain is dry, and all the eastern sides are wet & lush. If my islands were totally tropical. Then each island would be lush all the way around them, and we wouldn't have what is known as the leeward side on any island.

As a guerilla farmer of over 30 some odd years in Hawaii, I have had to look at many option for soils,nutrients, locations, strains, etc.,etc..
Using black soil from under Mango Trees have always been an island favorite. Soil where I live now in Puna is rare, but because it volcanic in nature it's really, really rich in nutrients. It forces one to have a green thumb:hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Homemade/simple store bought
read my blog...it takes time to make really good soil...for now though, I'd raid the garden center for organic ferts...chemicals are bad news!..mix about 70% black dirt, or if you can get it, organic compost(not just glorified mulch), and around 20% perlite/vermiculite...get some liquid organic ferts to foliar feed the plants. this really helps..just make sure they're not spiked with amonia salts(not fully organic).