The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My light has always been 18 " away from them so I don't know why they stretched so much must be the saliva dominance that's all I can think of should be some good smoke when she's done though
good stuff, yeah sativa forgot they stretch that much. My dealer smokes an deals cheese only and he never even heard of sativa lmfao, wonder how much an oz of pure sativa would cost round here, if its that rare i could pop it out at 5 ton an oz


Well-Known Member

c7ut sum lower branches of one of the phsyco i dident pop a few weeks bak,, was looking and u could tell the amount of bud that ws gunna be producesd just wasent gunna be worth the efoort the plant will put into it, id rather it put its energy into the main stuff not scrggly little nothing buds, if u get me drift



Well-Known Member
Evening , well that's all my crop down , don't think I have owt special . I need to try grow one of you lads special plants ! Don't know if there's any local fairys in the Gwent area I could meet is there ? Meby u can have a bit of my crop in exchange ? . Not grown anything in 10 years that has put me on my arse ! All retail beans ! . Any 1 help an old man ?


Well-Known Member
How would you go about posting cuttings anyway?, just in a sealed tube wrapped in postage stuff? this guy i knew done it with a half o of white widow from rotterdam i think it was.


Well-Known Member
cut milk bottle in half, put plant in the bottom half in juffy, pad with tissue then pad the top half with tissue, put the bottle bak togther and tape shut, make sure the jiffy is damp. then box em up and put in jiffy velope and post,


Well-Known Member
Ice you mean the canes we the rings on? No mate not yet I'm doin some lst next run so no need I'll grab some after then....

Carefull using fishing line that it don't cut into you stems, I did it we the green garden wire stuff wrapped it round an round like a plum was cut in pretty bad now I just make a loop....


Well-Known Member
Ice you mean the canes we the rings on? No mate not yet I'm doin some lst next run so no need I'll grab some after then....

Carefull using fishing line that it don't cut into you stems, I did it we the green garden wire stuff wrapped it round an round like a plum was cut in pretty bad now I just make a loop....
yep im keeping an eye one it, its hooked on a little branch that is solid hard to explain, but it aint cutting into the main stem, its hooked on another stem that i cut a clone off of. al be pickin up some garden string stuff from discount world


Well-Known Member
Ice you mean the canes we the rings on? No mate not yet I'm doin some lst next run so no need I'll grab some after then....

Carefull using fishing line that it don't cut into you stems, I did it we the green garden wire stuff wrapped it round an round like a plum was cut in pretty bad now I just make a loop....
well that trader has run out of rings, last one sold o 23rd so ther a extra qwid now only found 1 other seller, diffrent name for em tho

yeh i got that but i dont et it nr the stalks i got apka of green canes, i put 4 in each pot then wrap the wire round, its just to stop em topplig over nothing more, im seriously running out of room tho, dunno wtf ima gunna do tbh,, not like i got too many plant for light or owt ther just getting fucking big, specially the kali mist ones, really fucking big, seems the rhiz worked, too well infact lmao

just downloaded new ep of her majostys prison ayelsbury if anyone missed last ep watch it!! good stuff


Well-Known Member
well that trader has run out of rings, last one sold o 23rd so ther a extra qwid now only found 1 other seller, diffrent name for em tho

yeh i got that but i dont et it nr the stalks i got apka of green canes, i put 4 in each pot then wrap the wire round, its just to stop em topplig over nothing more, im seriously running out of room tho, dunno wtf ima gunna do tbh,, not like i got too many plant for light or owt ther just getting fucking big, specially the kali mist ones, really fucking big, seems the rhiz worked, too well infact lmao

just downloaded new ep of her majostys prison ayelsbury if anyone missed last ep watch it!! good stuff
aye me ma has been urging me to watch it, watched the first one was pretty good reminds me of the young offenders i was in lol


Well-Known Member
aye me ma has been urging me to watch it, watched the first one was pretty good reminds me of the young offenders i was in lol
yeh ther al little cunts, think ther hard, fucking kids man, all little priks, just watched a staff assault IMO funny shit, the screw kicks the lad i nuts as defence hahahaha fab


Well-Known Member
yeh ther al little cunts, think ther hard, fucking kids man, all little priks, just watched a staff assault IMO funny shit, the screw kicks the lad i nuts as defence hahahaha fab
yeah lmao, i was alright wasn't a complete dick to staff but when i was in the young offenders, one boy in the sentenced part stabbed a staff member with a pencil while we were in education an he got beat down then sent to polmont that night haha, everyone thinks they're hard when they are locked up the best bet is not too, because staff can decide whether you are fit to leave or not in court/hearing
fuck it im away to watch the new episode on the tele later lads.


Well-Known Member
yeah lmao, i was alright wasn't a complete dick to staff but when i was in the young offenders, one boy in the sentenced part stabbed a staff member with a pencil while we were in education an he got beat down then sent to polmont that night haha
ther all fucking jokes m8,, i dont my fair share of jail inc a 8 stretch, fucking killer, but i been out of trouble yrs now,, i dunno how id act if i went bak, id prolly be orite if they tret me as a equal, but the second they start talking down to me,, mr nasty rears his ugly head, they think they can bribe u with tvs ect ect lmo last jail i was in the discharged me 4 weeks early coz the gov dint want me ther LOL cheerz


Well-Known Member
ther all fucking jokes m8,, i dont my fair share of jail inc a 8 stretch, fucking killer, but i been out of trouble yrs now,, i dunno how id act if i went bak, id prolly be orite if they tret me as a equal, but the second they start talking down to me,, mr nasty rears his ugly head, they think they can bribe u with tvs ect ect lmo last jail i was in the discharged me 4 weeks early coz the gov dint want me ther LOL cheerz
aye i got another month added for assult but no charge so that was alright, but those restraining techniques are mad, once they got you down you aint gettin back up till they say so, but most staff were alright just some of the staff taking shifts from the sentenced unit were mad strict, tryin to give me plastic forks an all sorts gtfo with that shyt i was only in there 4 month for being a wee shyte haha, was meant to be 3 but assult +1, glad it was all when i was under 16 so no harm done on my cv haha


Well-Known Member
aye i got another month added for assult but no charge so that was alright, but those restraining techniques are mad, once they got you down you aint gettin back up till they say so, but most staff were alright just some of the staff taking shifts from the sentenced unit were mad strict, tryin to give me plastic forks an all sorts gtfo with that shyt i was only in there 4 month for being a wee shyte haha, was meant to be 3 but assult +1, glad it was all when i was under 16 so no harm done on my cv haha
under 16 or not mate, u get a crb check done,, a shit u had from wen u was 5yrs old comes up, honest, they say so long and its gone, it aint, at my last hmp vistit i got out on a sect 18 with intent charge, nice, couldnt even get a job i jail, not even on eductaion, the cunts


Well-Known Member
well u broingset of cunts, i post sum luvly pics,so did that other dude, pffffffffffffff,, lol

wer yaz gone? watching midget tranny porn is my guess


Well-Known Member
aye IC3 finished watchin my midget tranny porn, my social worker said not to mention the young offenders nor any of the charges i had under 16 when in an interview so i dont lol, i also had a pvg and it came back clean so im nea baw haired haha.
btw none of my charges were for drugs just 1minor assult and a few theft an breachin the peace mostly haha how else you gonna fund your weed smokin at 14? lol im out of that now jus stick to me weed an keep a low key...
- an im an ebay guy so stealing isnt realy probable


Well-Known Member
there on about edam cheese i think, home-made
yeah mate exo cheese or blue cheese cannie remember what it is but its fuckin ripped my wallet a few biguns in the past, just stick to soapbar right now till i can keep mysel with me grows

EDIT - and i just got the joke. fuck... hope im not gonna end up in somones sig lmao


Well-Known Member
for 3 id want the fucker to roll itself , jump into my gob , spontaneously combust and then fuck off out and get me pringles afterwards