Is she ok?


Active Member
My little plant is 4 1/2.weeks old. She just started to have doing leaves and her soil was dry. I watered her, its been two hours but she is still has drooping leaves and yellowing is starting on bottom leaves. IMAG0726.jpgIMAG0727.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think the yellowing is just the natural process of the older leaves dying as the plant gets older and sometimes plants will take a little while before perking up after being dry. A couple of questions: DO you plan on growing that for much longer in that cup? Are you keeping it that small on purpose? It looks pretty timid for a 4 1/2 week old plant.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
water it again immediately making sure the soil is saturated. when most soils get really dry they tend to become compacted, making it difficult for water to penetrate the whole root ball. u can also submerge the whole root ball in a bucket of water for about five minutes to make sure its soaked.
in a day or two bump it to a larger pot. GL


Well-Known Member
I agree with Po boy. She will outgrow the 1gl in no time. Looks like it's going to be a nice plant.