Twisting and Curling of leaves 1.5weeks old,


Active Member
Sensi A + B: PH perfect
76-70 temps
Foxfarm soil
Trans-siberian, autoflower strain
5 gallon smart pots
400w MH/HPS
Water PH - 4.0
I was told that is better to start in a big pot and let the roots develop consistently instead of using little pots and building up with auto flowering strains. Also the PH of the water is 4.0 coming straight from the tap but the soil is 7.0 without water (fox-farm straight soil), it could be my PH tool.

This is my second grow, i grew feminized seeds (non-auto) BlackJack.

Is it my PH or my nutes because i thought i would see nute burn if it was the nutes i put about .9ml into a gal (total).
Also should i stop using tap and start buying distilled water, and will the distilled water have a neutral PH?
Any solutions i'm open to so please respond!


Well-Known Member
Well i dont use fox farm so dont know what is in the soil, but from my exp i dont every fertilise when the plant is that small,
is fox farm fortified ? Cause if it is then its the start of an overdose, however those leave arn't as curled as the title would suggest,

on your tap water front, pH4 out of the tap? Wow,,Thats very acidic for tap water, well from my exp as a plumber, is it well water?
, personally i would switch the water, maybe not distilled water as it expensive, but bottled water with few to no added elements would maybe be a better option, do you have an ec meter? Id like to know whats in your water to get that low pH...

sorry if im not much help,


Active Member
im going through the same thing man im using coco coir and not foxfarms but mine im pretty sure had to much nutes. and were doing the same thing the next day mine started to yellow
Sensi A + B: PH perfect
76-70 temps
Foxfarm soil
Trans-siberian, autoflower strain
5 gallon smart pots
400w MH/HPS
Water PH - 4.0
I was told that is better to start in a big pot and let the roots develop consistently instead of using little pots and building up with auto flowering strains. Also the PH of the water is 4.0 coming straight from the tap but the soil is 7.0 without water (fox-farm straight soil), it could be my PH tool.

This is my second grow, i grew feminized seeds (non-auto) BlackJack.

Is it my PH or my nutes because i thought i would see nute burn if it was the nutes i put about .9ml into a gal (total).
Also should i stop using tap and start buying distilled water, and will the distilled water have a neutral PH?
Any solutions i'm open to so please respond!
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i cant figure out where to ask questions at hope every one can read this my leaves are doing the twisting and changing colors too i bought a grow bible but it dosent mention anything about my leaves folding up like a demented taco or something the older leaves and the new ones also


Well-Known Member
i cant figure out where to ask questions at hope every one can read this my leaves are doing the twisting and changing colors too i bought a grow bible but it dosent mention anything about my leaves folding up like a demented taco or something the older leaves and the new ones also
Hey, do you have a picture per chance? Simply as from you description makes me think you leaves are folding up on themselves as opposed to them folding down and around, like a sheeps horn. Which would be an overdose,
have you sprayed anything on them? How old is the plant and what is it in? Soil, or other? Whats you regime?


Well-Known Member
i cant figure out where to ask questions at hope every one can read this my leaves are doing the twisting and changing colors too i bought a grow bible but it dosent mention anything about my leaves folding up like a demented taco or something the older leaves and the new ones also
But it does say in your "bible" to not put nutrients on seedlings, especially when it's in Fox Farms soil that is hotter than a freshly fucked fox in a forest fire. Distilled water is a fool's choice. Tap water is fine. And just water for now. No trying to adjust pH. Give the plants a chance to grow and defend themselves against you.


Active Member
shit bro i mix my ocean forest with another dirt and the fertilizer has to be organic cause of the dirt im using. another thing on my guano fert. npk is super low so it wont hurt my sprouts. another thing about messing with organic soil and fert. always keep the soil medium wet cause they perform better alot of people like to wait until the soil looks dry and then water but your working with organic so try that medium wet. i read that shit on uncle ben thread and it works really good with my plants. also before you threw down that seed make sure you throw at least a gallon of water and let it sit and then a half gallon depends on the size of your pots. i would perfer smaller pots cause when i trans. i use super thrive and flush its a root upper. make sure you keep the soil lose on the top so when you water it will go down evenly instead of working down through the sides of the pots.