Cloning straight into soil? Success rates?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. I recently tried cloning into straight happy frog soil. The clone itself seems to be doing fine.IMG_0338.jpg I know this is probably old hand but is the first time I tried it. I been using rockwool because I had a bunch of it but want to stop do the pH fluctuations. All my clothes seems start out with purple stems which I think are stunting their growth initially. Since I'm sure it's been done before I was wondering what the success rates are and if there are any advantages to doing this? And if its even a good idea?
I clone right into pro mix w/ a lil rooting powder as long as you control the enironment properly. 76-82 degrees a little light and a dome. there should always be condensation forming on the inside of the dome. every day pull the dome off check em out for a few min. wip out the dome and replace it. 100 percent success
I clone right into pro mix as long as you control the enironment properly. 76-82 degrees a little light and a dome. there should always be condensation forming on the inside of the dome. every day pull the dome off check em out for a few min. wip out the dome and replace it
Awesome I'm make a mini DIY dome outta something and give a try I think
I was reading another post and didn't realize so many people had answered already, thanks. Like I said I cloned this sucker seven days ago and here's a picture of it my homemade cloned dome.IMG_0339.jpgThe clone dome isn't wet because I've actually had it off for about a day and a half now without the plant wilting so I know it has small roots. I'm getting ready to do two more tonight so yeah I will let you know how works looking good so far though.
I put all my cuttings straight into Coco and throw them under a dome. Works every time as if i was putting them in cubes. Takes up more space though per cut due to all those cups
I go clone straight into half ffof half MG seedling start mix. Cut angle in water, scrape the cambium layer, dip in cloning powder and into the hole. Once I fill up a tray I mist the leaves and mist the dome and put under 24/0 CFL. I chech everyday, leave dome off for 10 minutes, remist, recover. Once the clones stop wilting under direct CFL, I give them a few more days until I can see active roots through the clear Dixie cups.
a lot of times I will leave the dome off for a day now and then after the initial shock maybe day 3 then around day 10-14 they are showing signs of growth if not the dome goes back on for a few days to give it that extra kick in the ass. was at the hydro shop the other day and dude was talking about misting with seaweed liquid toward the end of flower. I have noticed them yellowing up a bit right around the time they get roots, but why mess with what works. I am in no hurry
I was reading another post and didn't realize so many people had answered already, thanks. Like I said I cloned this sucker seven days ago and here's a picture of it my homemade cloned dome.View attachment 2543963The clone dome isn't wet because I've actually had it off for about a day and a half now without the plant wilting so I know it has small roots. I'm getting ready to do two more tonight so yeah I will let you know how works looking good so far though.
Is that a 2 liter or 3 liter?

I was reading another post and didn't realize so many people had answered already, thanks. Like I said I cloned this sucker seven days ago and here's a picture of it my homemade cloned dome.View attachment 2543963The clone dome isn't wet because I've actually had it off for about a day and a half now without the plant wilting so I know it has small roots. I'm getting ready to do two more tonight so yeah I will let you know how works looking good so far though.
It was actually a cut off I gallon candy jar or something I found at the dollar store. I tried a 2 litter but it seemed to small. I would go with a 3 litter or something like I found.
We propagate using only top soil at the greenhouse. Just take fresh clones, put them into moist substrate, and keep it moist for 10 days.