
Well-Known Member
Daisy chain bubbler. Two female glass/glass connections as you can see in the 3rd pic. You can run it inline with multiple pieces. The attachment in the last pic allows you to connect to a whip for a vape. I like the glass/glass mouth piece.

In theory, if you had 5 of these, you could run a daisy chain setup with 7 pieces. Filling each piece and then clearing it one by one. I have only used it with 2 so far... but plans to run MOUTH:: Water pipe > Daisy bubbler > Da Buddha. 3 pieces. Vape filling and filtered by both the daisy bubbler and a water pipe.

A local guy made it for me.. $240. Hoping to have the same piece made with a larger chamber for water.. then I'll clean and gift this one to a friend.



Well-Known Member
one from the other am.. will upload a better one later..

pipes are in the black case.. not really shown..



Well-Known Member
thought I would add a few from this am.. this is last years stem pile, yet to be burned.. (logs are on the bottom not mmj's)

my all time top 3 fav if they made this smell into cologne I would buy it..

after taking this.. I saw how bad some were and they are all soaking now.. the larger pipe is my all time fav ever.. my DS gave me all of these pipes since he quit after having a baby.. the blue one and the bong are the only glass I have kept more then a year.. I have 2-3 mini bubblers who saw gravity up close

the cherry wood one and the hash pipe are also from 2+ years ago



Well-Known Member
Here's a shot of my whole B&W set so far... still need a dry piece, dish/dabber, and a pendant for it and it will be complete for me



Glassblowing Moderator
It actually ripped great. A little drag but not bad. I think the Hitman was the draggy one. Those things have more drag than RuPaul...