Anyone here allergic to weed?


Well-Known Member
I'm convinced I'm allergic to hemp, like the actual plant material not to smoking it. I've never had an issue from smoking/vaporizing, but if I'm handling either dried buds or live plants and they come in contact with my skin (not so much my fingers but my arms/back of hands) breaks out in hives, every time. A few times I've eaten edibles that some jackass left a bunch of leaf in I've had adverse reactions as well.

Just wondering how common this is for people: given the legal status of cannabis most people don't get exposed to it in the way growers do so I figured this is a decent place to ask for feedback.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who comes over often and must take a Benadryl when he's here or he clogs up and is miserable. He does not appear to be allergic to outside trees and plants-just pot plants. He has no rashes or any other symptoms, just the nose clog.


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't have respiratory problems with it (I do with dogs/cats, and there were some exceptions with leafy edibles), it's really just a skin-contact-rash type of thing. goes away in a couple hours usually.


Well-Known Member
i shouldn't say i don't have respiratory problems I do actually have a standard allergic reaction to male pollen but that seems to be more expected.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who comes over often and must take a Benadryl when he's here or he clogs up and is miserable. He does not appear to be allergic to outside trees and plants-just pot plants. He has no rashes or any other symptoms, just the nose clog.
Right on. I also have a friend that wil start sneezing a few times in a row when we smoke some good smoke. Allergies.. Or something along those lines maybe
it's possible but I've never noticed a reaction to any other plants (exception being poison ivy a few times)
thats weird man.the leaves have these little hairs all over it. I'm no doctor, but I wonder if they play a role in your rash some how. As for consuming it. IDK???? Wonder what the mechanism is that causes the reaction.


Active Member
Yes.. there are times in flowering with some strains when I am a sneezing machine.. my hand skin also sometimes breaks out in hives when I trim..

that said I eat it raw all the time and never have an issue once it hits my mouth.


Active Member
I've also had people come to trim, and have to go home because they break out so badly.. this is not uncommon at all..


Well-Known Member
If I get resin on my arms they break out in hives. I always where a long sleeve shirt in my room


Ive got a buddy that swears he only breaks out in hives when he smokes what ive grown but is fine with brown brick weed. go figure


Well-Known Member
i dont have any alergic reactions to cannabis i feel sorry for guys that do. interesting thread. i didnt know it was possible. ill do more reading on it. but you can smoke it right? that would suck if you couldnt


Well-Known Member
I find that it makes my eyes turn red.

Sorry....couldn't resist.

I hope for relief, to the degree possible, for all.



Active Member
I've heard of this before.. and you can be allergic to just about anything. Cannabis being no exception.

I feel for you.. I've just developed allergies this year in my 30s...

I'd go get tested by an immunologist (allergist) Quite likely you have allergies to other trees or grass perhaps even molds.

I've started immunotherapy this year (allergy shots) and I've noticed a big difference.

Another thing that helped a lot before the allergy shots.

Vitamin D.. I take it every day and haven't broken out in hives since taking it.

Also apparently water intake helps with allergies (being properly hydrated)


Well-Known Member
I have severe (level 4) allergies to other things like ragweed pollen, fire ants, roach crap (not kidding). I've noticed that where my arms brush my sativa dom plants I get itchy and sometimes get little bumps.

I haven't gotten to smoke in 3 months (have a drug testing coming), but I'm curious to see how it effects me.


Well-Known Member
sounds like i'm not the only one.. and yeah thank god I can still smoke/vape it and eat "well-prepared" (minimal-leaf) edibles. I've never really worn hemp jewelry or clothing but I'm starting to wonder if that would cause problems for me. Any of you that have had reactions have any experience with hemp clothes?


Well-Known Member
Ive got a buddy that swears he only breaks out in hives when he smokes what ive grown but is fine with brown brick weed. go figure
this could be a psychosomatic response/anxiety brought on by smoking good weed. i know a feel people who have anxiety problems that are severely amplified by cannabis, and as far as I'm aware it's not uncommon for anxiety to produce hives.


Well-Known Member
Just wrapping up a harvest, and have been trimming off and on for the last week....I might even have to begin drying in a shed, as the overpowering smell inside, and this terrible allergic reaction is just too much lol...Interesting I think I'm more allergic to C99 (sativa) strain than others...They say its the small hairs cytolliths on the plant...and may be a defense mechanism of the plant. Evidently 1 in 3 have some level of allergy to pot when trimming...Glad I'm not the only one!