The UK Growers Thread!


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Well-Known Member
Afternoon Guys,

Been a while since I did a grow. Last time I was doing an indoor grow with hydro and stuff but due to a change in life, I now have a kid. The misses will not allow me to grow in the house.
So I have found a couple of likely spots for an outdoor 'stealth' grow but am unsure when I should 1) start the seeds of indoors and 2) when should they go outside?

Also the website I am getting some seeds from says 8 weeks flowering. But if it is being grown outdoors does it not all deoend on the time of year to how much sun it gets therefore how long it will flower for?


I've jus germinated a couple of bag seed that I'm gonna throw outside.
Best to start them off indoors mate, gonna let these get to about 2/3 weeks, then start puting them outside during the day for a week. Let them get used to the weather conditions Nd shit.
Then they can fuck off and fend for them selfs in the wilderness! Lol


Well-Known Member
fucking hell, only fixing a sqweky floorboard with nails and hammered threw a waterpipe

fuking water everywer, threw lounge ceiling the lot, :? doh!


Well-Known Member
fucking hell, only fixing a sqweky floorboard with nails and hammered threw a waterpipe

fuking water everywer, threw lounge ceiling the lot, :? doh!
fuckin usless, am sure the kids coulda done a betta job leave it to them next time hahaha


Well-Known Member
fuckin usless, am sure the kids coulda done a betta job leave it to them next time hahaha
lol not fucking happy i wanted the room changed around fast now im sat waiting fro council blooke, i got away with blag on te phone but a lot of these council dudes are blaggers therselves so its hard, hope i dont get one with brains itherwise he will know i did it,

im sure its just a sleave they put round the pipe fuksake its only a tiny lil hole but enough to sqwirt 3ft in the air,


Well-Known Member
lol not fucking happy i wanted the room changed around fast now im sat waiting fro council blooke, i got away with blag on te phone but a lot of these council dudes are blaggers therselves so its hard, hope i dont get one with brains itherwise he will know i did it,

im sure its just a sleave they put round the pipe fuksake its only a tiny lil hole but enough to sqwirt 3ft in the air,
my brother threw a dart in the radiator, he just put a screw in the hole with some threading onit, that was 3 year ago.


Well-Known Member
I think we are all coming to terms with the hot air balloon crash that happened in Egypt.

Although some victims are still in denile
lolol that did look abit rough tho spoon basket on fire either burn to death or jump 100ft quite a few jumped, the pilot jumped at 10ft n 1 other jumped then n survived


Well-Known Member
lolol that did look abit rough tho spoon basket on fire either burn to death or jump 100ft quite a few jumped, the pilot jumped at 10ft n 1 other jumped then n survived
Haha yeah I kno. I would of quite literally shit my self. Think I would rather fall to my death than be burnt to a fuckin crisp tho!


Well-Known Member
lolol that did look abit rough tho spoon basket on fire either burn to death or jump 100ft quite a few jumped, the pilot jumped at 10ft n 1 other jumped then n survived
lol id have grabbed sum1 and threw them out b4 me, done a mission impossible skydive, grab them,, roll 180 2ft b4 i hit the floor using them as a mattress,

its a plan, so if im ever in a flaming hot air balloon, watch this spot!! imo


Well-Known Member
Just been given a vanilla kush and a northern lights seed of a friend.
Was thinking instead of buying some seeds for like 60 notes, growing these in a small veg box using some cfls and taking cuttings for my next grow.
Was even thinking of putting them into flower using the cfls after I've took cuttings from them.
Opinions? As I'm sure there will be some lol


Well-Known Member
lol id have grabbed sum1 and threw them out b4 me, done a mission impossible skydive, grab them,, roll 180 2ft b4 i hit the floor using them as a mattress,

its a plan, so if im ever in a flaming hot air balloon, watch this spot!! imo
Or you could of jus landed on ur foot ice. Sure that would soften the impact. Lmao


Well-Known Member
@newuser, I seen you and don chattin bout them td silent fans, I got an 8" one and I'm well happy with it, got a fan controller and only need to run the fan on just over half speed so at that speed she's not too noisey. Dons probly right tho comparing it to a 6" rvk, I wouldn't know I went straight from a 1m tent with a budget fan to this badboy so never really seen or heard a 6" rvk working, all in all the money I spent on mine was money well spent I reckon

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i went up before and was going to take a vid then though actually since i put the cooltube in place of the two hoods bolted together it has been a bit quieter. only really hear it hum in the middle of the night. mine's on full whack though


Well-Known Member
i went up before and was going to take a vid then though actually since i put the cooltube in place of the two hoods bolted together it has been a bit quieter. only really hear it hum in the middle of the night. mine's on full whack though
I think there a good job and that sorta shit is worth spending money on, that an a carbon filter, they are fuckin huge tho along with a 1mx8" filter they take up a bita room. I'm only workin with budget lights at the min ill have to get a few cool tubes at some stage tho