Theoretical marijuana transfer, question??? Any lawyers in the house?


Well-Known Member
Dude, I took from memory approx 1 million lawyers in a population of approx 300 million. Rounding these numbers is the sum I had accurately provided and not drastically different from your stated statistics. See as your math came to .0024, my guess at the state of reality was exactly .0025. It seems as if you are attempting to put my creditably into some grey area regardless of the reality here. Are you a lawyer my friend?!?


Well-Known Member
Dude, I took from memory approx 1 million lawyers in a population of approx 300 million. Rounding these numbers is the sum I had accurately provided and not drastically different from your stated statistics. See as your math came to .0024, my guess at the state of reality was exactly .0025. It seems as if you are attempting to put my creditably into some grey area regardless of the reality here. Are you a lawyer my friend?!?
You kind of ignored the rest of my post, to be fair; there were several a few other points in that post. In regards to your post I quoted here; I was under the assumption you were speaking from something more specific (You didn't add an "about" to your "1 in 300".) . Your math is still a little off this time around: 1/300=0.0033 (Rounded to the nearest 1/10,00), not 0.0025; that's a pretty big effective difference. One of the major points (among others) in my previous post, was to point out that the number of lawyers does not inherently indicate anything other than it is a desirable field of employment; it does not indicate motivation for joining that field. I wasn't trying to put your credibility into any sort of question. No, I am not a lawyer; though that is honestly irrelevant to the situation. However, were you a lawyer; it would validate my point somewhat.


Active Member
WOW dude you are way out there i need to medicate can,t deal with all this math shit lol
You kind of ignored the rest of my post, to be fair; there were several a few other points in that post. In regards to your post I quoted here; I was under the assumption you were speaking from something more specific (You didn't add an "about" to your "1 in 300".) . Your math is still a little off this time around: 1/300=0.0033 (Rounded to the nearest 1/10,00), not 0.0025; that's a pretty big effective difference. One of the major points (among others) in my previous post, was to point out that the number of lawyers does not inherently indicate anything other than it is a desirable field of employment; it does not indicate motivation for joining that field. I wasn't trying to put your credibility into any sort of question. No, I am not a lawyer; though that is honestly irrelevant to the situation. However, were you a lawyer; it would validate my point somewhat.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, it does look as though I goofed that math up, my bad :( Although, again I question the perception of "a pretty big difference", as I would call it negligible ;)

That said, I should have never used the general population (300mil) either. As we are speaking of employment and there are only approx 150mil jobs in this country. It would have been more accurate to say 1 in 150 :o

My point in general is that this ratio is as unacceptable and unsustainable as the mortgage and real estate brokers of the 90's IMO :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
WOW dude you are way out there i need to medicate can,t deal with all this math shit lol
This is math based on public education man, it's not terribly out there. :p There's just a lot of extra zeros, so it looks more obnoxious than it is.


Active Member
ok TheMan13 if a chicken & 1/2 can lay a egg & 1/2 in a day & 1/2 how long would it take a grass hopper with a wooden leg kick all the seed out of a dill pickle lol


Active Member
ok TheMan13 if a chicken & 1/2 can lay a egg & 1/2 in a day & 1/2 how long would it take a grass hopper with a wooden leg kick all the seed out of a dill pickle lol
:lol:laugh i thought i'd die-die, you'd have to bury me, bury me in the ground,ground got worms,worms they tickle,laugh i thought i die,die you'd have to bury me bury me in the ground,ground got worms-----:smile:


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, it does look as though I goofed that math up, my bad :( Although, again I question the perception of "a pretty big difference", as I would call it negligible ;)

That said, I should have never used the general population (300mil) either. As we are speaking of employment and there are only approx 150mil jobs in this country. It would have been more accurate to say 1 in 150 :o

My point in general is that this ratio is as unacceptable and unsustainable as the mortgage and real estate brokers of the 90's IMO :bigjoint:
I'll address your point in general. In what way is the general ratio unacceptable or unsustainable? As I stated in my previous post:
That's the byproduct of having a country's judicial system rooted in common law. When you have a couple hundred years of case law to wade through, things get heavy. Not to mention that we have property laws, contract laws, import laws, family courts, tax laws... the list goes on. For every major legal specialization, there is ridiculous amounts of prior cases to dig through; there's so many complexities to one particular field that it's impractical to specialize in a bunch of unrelated legal matters.
The fact that there's a lot of lawyers, does not =too many lawyers; you have to explain in precisely what way we have too many. We have an increasing number of laws, and an ever-expanding record of case law; both increase the need for lawyers over time, and neither solely indicates intent. So, as I asked previously: How is it unacceptable and unsustainable currently?


Well-Known Member
Exactly, the ever expanding number of laws and regulations and their following "precedents" have strangled this country, it's productivity and it's future. The only ones to benefit from this fact are those that consider themselves "gainfully" employed authoring and/or gaming such. Have you ever considered the literal tax the legal profession has placed on your everyday life today? From the cost and availability of other "services" like healthcare to products like ladders? I believe this is economically unacceptable and unsustainable currently due to market saturation and the ability for the vendors to ever expand these markets like the protection rackets of the mob. Do you not foresee an end point here?


Well-Known Member
I understand the michigan medical marijuana law to some extent. But I pose a purely theoretical question.

Let's just say I run a shop that sells magazines. I have a medical marijuana card. I accept donations towards the cause of promoting my shop and it's operating costs. The donations are placed in a large jar.

I leave some of my medical marijuana on the counter top. Someone makes a donation. I go into the back room to get a thank you card.
I come back and they have stolen the medical marijuana I left on the counter top.

I would probably decline to press any charges or even bother reporting the crime.

I understand none of this is covered in the medical marijuana law, and that it involves theft. But I pose the question anyway.

Any ideas?
I'm pretty sure you'll just go to jail for leaving your marijuana unattended anyway. They say it had to be pretty much guarded at all times to make sure its not accessible to anyone other than you.


Active Member
How about this: Selling them the mason Jar that has been DECORATED for use as an ornamental storage container? AT that point, I have created a piece of artwork that I can charge whatever I want to for... and GIVE the buyer say- 1/4-1/2 oz as a "thank you" for free....???


Well-Known Member
How about this: Selling them the mason Jar that has been DECORATED for use as an ornamental storage container? AT that point, I have created a piece of artwork that I can charge whatever I want to for... and GIVE the buyer say- 1/4-1/2 oz as a "thank you" for free....???
I'm pretty sure it's illegal even to give away for free unless you're the persons caregiver.