Well ....Mostly out of curiosity ....
Took an ordinary plastic card ( credit sized .. ) ..
Laser cut it ,manually by hand ,in less than 3 min ...
Not much "care " taken for the stencil to be good ...
(Just for the fun of it ... )
Applied stencil to a mcpcb ...
And with finger ,pressed solder paste....
Card ( the wanna-be stencil ....) removed ....

Not so bad .....Ok,it's crooked,uneven ,pathetic ...
But not bad at all,regarding the way that was done and the time consumed ....
I bet I can make way better stencil than that ....
Even better with a special tiny drill ...
On a transparent plastic foil ....
( So I can see ,where exactly I'm placing the stencil ....)
Can do it from metal (S.steel ) sheet and chemically etch away ,the stencil pattern ...
(HCl + H2O2 )
But with this metal stencil ,I won't be able to see ,where I'm placing it ,precisely ...
(Although stencil pattern would be almost perfect ...Thermal transferring the laser toner again .... )
So ...Transparent foil 100-150 um ,is what I need .....
And a steady hand .....