How to disguise a grow

Well-Known Member
also were does the dea fly by with cameras? i would figure just in humbotl and mendocino county and most of those grows of 1000+ plants go jsut fine and sure if those hippies can grow with the dea and CAMP alll over there asses us people in rural U S A with maybe 50 plants tops should be fine.........also does anyone know of how the dea picks spots to fly by?....i live about 40 minutes outside atlanta and hope they dont fly near there.peace
aviation fuel is expensive!!! I'd just fly a grid pattern over the whole county and send it off to a photo analasys lab run by he sheriff's dept.....they highlight probables, and then the green hornet crew fires her up, and pays you a little airborne visit...but your instinct has already dropped a dime on their ass, and you and your buckets are nowhere to be seen!!!HAAAH!!....("or so I have read..."!)


Well-Known Member
plants being grown outdoors actually do not give off that much heat but plants being grown inside gives off alot of heat because they need alot of lights so its really all the lights that gives off all the heat
Actually, Marijuana is supposed to be a hotter plant that than any other plant according to a few on here. I personnally am going to look this up or buy an IR Scanner and test it myself. I find it possible, but hard to believe.


Well-Known Member
Actually, Marijuana is supposed to be a hotter plant that than any other plant according to a few on here. I personnally am going to look this up or buy an IR Scanner and test it myself. I find it possible, but hard to believe.
It's not like they "give off heat" in the way that a human does. It's a matter of retaining heat from sunlight. Different color/types of plants retain SLIGHTLY different amounts of heat, and therefore have different 'heat signatures.' That very subtle variation in heat signature is what the FLIR can pick up.

When they're searching for indoor grows (which is no longer legal as court evidence without a warrant), they're looking for the heat that you're purposefully exhausting. Uses the same technology, but in a very different way.

Well-Known Member
also were does the dea fly by with cameras? i would figure just in humbotl and mendocino county and most of those grows of 1000+ plants go jsut fine and sure if those hippies can grow with the dea and CAMP alll over there asses us people in rural U S A with maybe 50 plants tops should be fine.........also does anyone know of how the dea picks spots to fly by?....i live about 40 minutes outside atlanta and hope they dont fly near there.peace
grid photos of every inch of the county, by cessna.(less gas$$)


Well-Known Member
It's not like they "give off heat" in the way that a human does. It's a matter of retaining heat from sunlight. Different color/types of plants retain SLIGHTLY different amounts of heat, and therefore have different 'heat signatures.
How come marijuana is always claimed to retain more than other plants? If this was the case wouldn't it have a lower heat sig in some cases also, maybe it does and everyone mistakes it for always being higher. I could imagine the Heat Sig being able to seperate the plants with slight color variation, and along with the pretty distinct shape of a Marijuana plant, that could be the deadly combination of the give away....


Well-Known Member
I usually try to find a nice and big briar patch to plant in. Kind of a pain in the ass but nothing likes wandering through briars! Not sure about heat signature of plants if your that worried only plant a few in the same spot. Good luck!

Pete Moss

Active Member
I heard about some guys in the santa cruz mountains painting their plants before they had any bud on em..they used beet powder from the health food store, didn't seem to affect the plants at all, they just had a brown tinge to em...also, somebody mentioned oak trees...under oaks works real well because their leaves are thin and plenty of light goes in cali spotters in copters just use their eyes..they've been doing it since at least '83 and they're very good at it...with medical grows now they just fly right on by 6 or 10 huge plants in your veggie garden...that's the way it should be everywhere.


Active Member
here in cali spotters in copters just use their eyes..they've been doing it since at least '83 and they're very good at it...with medical grows now they just fly right on by 6 or 10 huge plants in your veggie garden...that's the way it should be everywhere.

so lucky lol it really should be like the eveywhere!:joint:


Well-Known Member
That's what im saying who gives a shit about 3-5 plants for own personal use. I would think the Narcs are only interested in big operations with intent to sell and distrubute. Maybe im wrong though. God knows i have been before:P



Well-Known Member
Yea, seriously though with gas going where it is those choppers guys are gonna have a hard time going for fun little helicopter rides. In that respect every single plant will have its own type of heat signature. Combined with all the different life forms in a forest they will have their work cut out for them. Each path with say 5 plants won't draw attention, have another 5 plant patch say 20 yards away. Stay in tune with nature, if you have to kill a couple lowly "bitch" plants, then some sacrifices must be made I suppose. Airplanes and helicopters are very expensive to fuel, and getting more so everyday. Can you seriously think of a bigger waste of our tax dollars. Fly airplane sweeps over acres and acres and acres of WILDERNESS, not even looking for a little girl lost on a camping trip. Flying those airplanes over and over looking for a fucking plant, in the wilderness.


Well-Known Member
Everything dies in the fall except marijuana so idk what your talking about hiding them with other plants. If your going to such measures to disguise your grow you don't have a good enough spot.
Ding! We're in the process of finding a guerrilla spot at the moment as well. What a pain in the ass!!! Your best bet is to scout out some pricker bushes and poison ivy/sumac. Any area that has a great deal of growth on the ground floor from the direction anybody would be traveling in great. People won't want to travel through it.

Good soil... Far away from people... Enough sunlight.. Animals... Quite difficult to get everything to work together.
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Well-Known Member
pot plants do come up more of a reddish on the scanner right? ive heard hundreads of stories of people who bored out a bush/hedge/etc.. and got caught due to the coloration of the middle..