Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Enjoyed a tumbler of warmed Honey Jack with my mom this afternoon. Nice taste, smooth as silk, and sweet, a nice compliment to a heavy indica buzz.


New Member
Smoking Jacks Cleaner and off I go , time to transplant some seedlings .. Purple Eve ( Black Jack x Plush)
& Pinconning Paralyzer X AFI as well as DJ Short's Flo .. My Color Run and pheno hunt

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tequila and Hell Boy. Everything is copacetic. It got up to 62 today. Spent most of the day in the sun. Recharging my batteries. Spring has sprung.


Well-Known Member
Don't take the car!!! You'll kill yourself!!!!
If I were to go out there's a bar within walking distance. Live music and never a cover. Good wings too which I rarely ever eat any more.

edit: I would rather drink at home than go out by myself.


Well-Known Member
House overlooks these rows of storage garages where losers go to loiter. We've been here years and nothings happened but today a group of 4 of these losers decided to throw a stone at a window of our conservatory. Like uhh why? I knew exactly which shitty area they came from they're so lazy/dumb that they stopped a few streets away when we went looking for em. We actually expected police to do something w that info. Not only didnt they not find em but guaranteed they'll Prly be back within 48h, scum always returns to the scene of the crime... Saturday night ruined. Neighbour said 4 teens were out looking for trouble earlier, pathetic.


Well-Known Member
wish i was there sunni. for the beer and company. especially for the company. we could play checkers or twister. or coed naked twister.