Plants drooping and stretching!!!! Help please

Hi there please looking for some advice I have just recently added a new 600w light in my room making two now and my temps went up to about 30 c and leaves are drooping all the time :( I don't know if it's cos I'm over or under watering them or the new heat jump please can someone help


Well-Known Member
30 IS kinda on the warm side, combine that with good circulation/ ventilation if you have, and you will need to water a little more frequently.
Without pics, we don't know if you have drowned the plant, or maybe have the lights too close, or what.
Knowing what soil and drainage would help also.
Give good info if you want good answers.;-)


Well-Known Member
it sounds like youre over or under watering them.

how often do you water??

Usually if the plant is heat stressed and has enough water the leaves will point at a 45 degree angle upwards towards the light

This helps them get rid of the heat on themselves a little easier.

So it sounds like youre under watering but i dont know for sure.

Throw up some pictures
Yes I have have good ventilation a intake and outtake fan with oscillating fan on 24/7 I am using terra soil and watering around every 2 3 days they didnt seem to sad until I added new light I can put some pics on when lights are back on at 6 also they are In 18 litre pots thanks for the replies much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm Thats tough

You could still be underwatering.

How big are they and are they in veg or flower??

If theyre in flower i find it hard to over water because of all the weight theyre puttin on

But in veg its very easy to over water.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm Thats tough

You could still be underwatering.

How big are they and are they in veg or flower??

If theyre in flower i find it hard to over water because of all the weight theyre puttin on

But in veg its very easy to over water.
Do NOT attempt to put this guys thoughts into practice. It is very easy to overwater a plant - any plant.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell without pics, or history, sounds like too much heat, are you venting the heat out? n/m i see you are. Are both lights vented?
If nothing else has changed such as ph, water temp, the strain may just be sensitive to temp changes. I would try for better temp control.


Well-Known Member
Do NOT attempt to put this guys thoughts into practice. It is very easy to overwater a plant - any plant.


Im saying IN MY OPINION and MY situation it is hard for ME to over water my plants in flower.

This is because my humidity is low and i use airpots.

All my responses are educated guesses based on what I have seen happens to MY plants.

Nothing is definitive. Especially without pictures of his plants.

How do you know im not right and he is under watering?? You dont.

If only you took the time to help correct what is so wrong in my response and not just say "this guy doesnt know what hes talking about"

Sounds like the beginning of a troll


Well-Known Member
It's because of the new light ,shock . To avoid this in future dont put the plants directly under new light from day one, keep them to the side in the corner until they get used to the new intensity. They should recover, dont water or feed while they are like this, raise the light they s/b o in a week.
It's because of the new light ,shock . To avoid this in future dont put the plants directly under new light from day one, keep them to the side in the corner until they get used to the new intensity. They should recover, dont water or feed while they are like this, raise the light they s/b o in a week.
i don't have enough space to move them into a corner and also won't this add to stretching being starved if light??? Also how much water should I be giving them in 18 litre pots ???


Well-Known Member

Im saying IN MY OPINION and MY situation it is hard for ME to over water my plants in flower.

This is because my humidity is low and i use airpots.

All my responses are educated guesses based on what I have seen happens to MY plants.

Nothing is definitive. Especially without pictures of his plants.

How do you know im not right and he is under watering?? You dont.

If only you took the time to help correct what is so wrong in my response and not just say "this guy doesnt know what hes talking about"

Sounds like the beginning of a troll
Troll? Keep watering, fool.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering is the #1 cause of plant death in plants cared for by man. Plants rarely die or suffer lasting damage - or any damage really - from being underwatered. In fact it makes the root system stronger as it seeks water and nutrients that are not readily available. Ignore moronic advice that overwatering in any plant stage with pot is impossible. Not only is it possible but with inexperienced growers it's almost predictable. If you are going to err then err on the side of prudence and caution.


Well-Known Member
When pots feel dry and light. Raise the light right up then all the way till the plants stop drooping, they wont drink while like this or grow.


Well-Known Member
i was just saying why discredit someone without correcting what they supposedly said wrong??

I fucking hate people like you on this site. Just cause you busted out a few thousand posts doesnt mean you know anymore than someone whos got 10 replies.

And you can come by and check my grow out whenever and see how often i water and how often they need it.

its pointless to comment on a thread and not put in something useful.

like saying "dont listen to this guy"

and ending it... just seems needless.


Well-Known Member
i was just saying why discredit someone without correcting what they supposedly said wrong??

I fucking hate people like you on this site. Just cause you busted out a few thousand posts doesnt mean you know anymore than someone whos got 10 replies.

And you can come by and check my grow out whenever and see how often i water and how often they need it.

its pointless to comment on a thread and not put in something useful.

like saying "dont listen to this guy"

and ending it... just seems needless.
View attachment 2551530

Here ya go, sweetheart.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering is the #1 cause of plant death in plants cared for by man. Plants rarely die or suffer lasting damage - or any damage really - from being underwatered. In fact it makes the root system stronger as it seeks water and nutrients that are not readily available. Ignore moronic advice that overwatering in any plant stage with pot is impossible. Not only is it possible but with inexperienced growers it's almost predictable. If you are going to err then err on the side of prudence and caution.

i never said it was impossible,

I said in MY situation with MY humidity being so low and the fact that I use airpots I find it "hard to over water" MY plants.