Trim, Shave, Wax or Natural?


Well-Known Member
I just made a simple statement. You on the other hand sound like you are feeling
guilty for taking it in the ass.
aww poor fella needs attention? who are you again? yea... that's what I thought. take care kiddo.


Staff member
I just made a simple statement. You on the other hand sound like you are feeling
guilty for taking it in the ass. One thing for sure there's something fucked up in
your tiny little brain. Does your dad aprove of what your doing? Personally
I dont give a shit what you put up your ass
cool it bro no one likes gay haters round hereView attachment 2552335


Well-Known Member
I just made a simple statement. You on the other hand sound like you are feeling
guilty for taking it in the ass. One thing for sure there's something fucked up in
your tiny little brain. Does your dad approve of what your doing? Personally
I dont give a shit what you put up your ass see4. You should get some help
for your overly sensitive personality and pathetic need to try to be so politically
correct though.


Well-Known Member
I just made a simple and factually statement. You on the other hand sound like you are feeling
guilty for taking it in the ass. One thing for sure though there's something fucked up in
your tiny little brain. Doesn't your dad approve of what your doing? Personally
I don't give a shit what you put up your ass see4. You should get some help
for your overly sensitive personality and pathetic need to try to be so politically
correct though.
Me? Politically correct? You are either really new round these parts or you're a fucking retard. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are new round these parts.

I clearly have made you rage. And for that I am sorry. Generally it takes more than 1 comment to send a kid off the deep end, but in your case, I guess not.

Let me entertain your thought for a bit....
Your statement was neither simple nor "factually" ( I think you meant factual ), it was inconsiderate and ignorant.
So what if I feel guilty taking it up the ass? It's more ass than you'll ever get with that kind of attitude.
My dad does not approve of anything I do. He's an ass and I haven't talked to him in over a decade.
Your last statement I already covered above.

But in the end, it's you that is sitting in his mother's basement right now, raging at the fact that I'm simply a better person than you will ever be.

Good day kiddo.


Staff member
The boy tried to stifle my free speech and I had said nothing wrong. With that said
its America and if you don't like what i say go somewhere else.
actually no its not its ROLLITUP, and you are being rude go be rude some place else.

you calling members names is what you have done wrong so think again


Well-Known Member
The boy tried to stifle my free speech and I had said nothing wrong. With that said
its America and if you don't like what i say go somewhere else.
Except the problem is RIU is a private website, where we can censor your speech, especially hateful speech. You my friend are a total moron. I wish you all the best in life.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
My shit is trimmed. Shaved just looks weird. I'm not 12. On women as long as its cleanly shaved or kept neat I don't mind.


Well-Known Member
If a girl is completely waxed/shaved.. I'll shave myself high and tight. It just feels better being balls deep. Especially if I am running spider monkey on you. Pow pow pow pow pow pow.


Well-Known Member
I'm all trimmed, sometimes I get stoned and cut designs lol.

I like my girls shaved though. No reason to be pubes in the mouth ;)