The UK Growers Thread!

ye there looking well good ice,not long now lol

yeh cant come qwik enough! lol

i want one!
Not anymore lad. The Amsterdam council just released a whole new set of rules for pedestrians, cyclists, and all the others that fly around. Pedestrians are now KING! by all accounts.
does adolf just troll the site looking for a chance to bait ice and dura? you gotta pity him, must have no friends in real life, so he sits trolling a thread that he dont participate in, the only person he manages to offend is'd be ok if what he put was maybe funny or at least readable, but half the time it's just riff raff...shame on you adolf, you are giving your name sake a bad name!
does adolf just troll the site looking for a chance to bait ice and dura? you gotta pity him, must have no friends in real life, so he sits trolling a thread that he dont participate in, the only person he manages to offend is'd be ok if what he put was maybe funny or at least readable, but half the time it's just riff raff...shame on you adolf, you are giving your name sake a bad name!

m lol yeh i thik he must think hes hittinga nerve, infact its rather boring, just shows how much f a sad life he must have

it's got to be kev murphy or catagrass or some other cunt we've told to do one

lol yeh no shit,

just been to look at a house to exchange with, fuk me how do people live inahouse that just STNKS!! theye ven had a big bak tele had a red screen so was fucked, it even had a pound box on it :? fuking hell

looing round the house, ther was no built in cupboards, but ther was one under ths tairs in the kitchen but its sloped ceiling, thers a alcove in the main bedroomi could build a stud wall over with a hatch, the shed outside is no good at all, fuksake, looking for a appropraite house to live and grow is fun fun fun
hahahah one of those, i've fucked my house can i get another to fuck please!?

i went n cleaned out all the litter crap that blows in mine and the next doors garden, she was made up. it's the first time i've known and liked my neighbours. weird feeling.
hahahah one of those, i've fucked my house can i get another to fuck please!?

i went n cleaned out all the litter crap that blows in mine and the next doors garden, she was made up. it's the first time i've known and liked my neighbours. weird feeling.

no mate ive improved my house, was shit wen we moved in, the chick let her dogs hit in the hallway ect.

this next one is a fair size but not many cupboards tow ork with and fuk using a tent, im all about stealth, i think the alcove is best,, easy enough room for 6-8 plants, and its mre square so better access than the long room i got now, just build a stud wall over it with a hatch, the same as now, but wen i move, im not gunna bother with anyone, not worth it, just do my thing and grow grow grow,
nah mate wasn't thinking you'd fucked your crib hahaha give owa man.


yard m8 thats what we call it hahaha

itrs a duanting fucker to move but i think its for the best saves all the growing paranoia,,fresh start n shit, gets us out of the bronx too,, fucking beruit round ere
yard hahah you a badman now youf. lol round my way we call em birds not bitches.

i gradually moved away from the town centre. wish i'd done it in one go. my neighbours are sound as a pound, type to take packages in for you n shit.
anyone seen them phones for the aged, where the button's are all oversized, well, next time i visit ice, i'm gunna take him one of these!

maybe it wont take as long to decipher his coded messages if he uses one :)