Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas


Well-Known Member
Yep Rrog, but it's still tempting to apply ACT every week. I took the advice of not doing it so often and just left normal compost/ewc top dress. Your point about ACT, it seems, is that you pretty much can be lazy and drop dress with every amendment pretty much and water them in. Am I right? The advantage of ACT is using less compost with a quick delivery.


Active Member
hmm...just realized I never factored in the stray cats in this's possible they saw my soil mixes as a litter feces, but they may have urinated and there would be no way for me to tell (except the gnarly ammonia smell). unfortunately, if this is my problem, it is not a very solvable one...

for now the soil is going on the backburner until the smell disappears or I decide to throw it on part of my yard. Puzzling.....

oh, and I found a local source for Bu's Blend Biodynamic Compost :bigjoint: so my humus is jamming now alongside the local living EWC. Will never go back to bagged crap again (yes bu's blend is bagged...but its not crap!!!) well it is crap...but it has been transformed into gold.

heres a link for those that don't know about bu's blend:

$15 per cuft (locally), and well worth it IMO
thanks to all contributors to the BEST thread on riu!!

Gonna add the bu's blend to my soil and tea game!!

Awesome to see soooo much goodness in a bag....



Well-Known Member
The more the merrier Trichmasta! Please stay tuned and let us know how this is going for you. Ask lots of questions! They help everyone including me.

Headtreep, that is my view of ACT, yes indeedy.


Active Member
For sure...! The peeps around here inspire me!! My goal is to be "bottle" free ASAP and really learn how to garden and be more sustainable with my practices!!

thanks for the good vibes and endless info that fill these pages!! I will be around and report back my findings...

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
So I tried the coconut water foilar feed some in here suggested.

So far looking good, but I mixed it with some aerated EWC tea, so not much of a control.


Well-Known Member
Soak the barley in water for 8 hours in a mason then drain. Let sprouts pop half to 1 inch and then fill mason jar back up with water and bubble 48 hours is what I've been doing. Then I water/foliar in 1:15 ratio of the enzymes.


Well-Known Member
Got Aloe and Coconut Water at my local grocery store today and did a soil drench with both. One Aloe leaf did my whole 60+ plant garden and it took 8 bottles of Coconut water to do it all. The Aloe and the Coconut Water were 2$ a piece. The Aloe took a bit to figure out how to get the most out of it but I just ended up putting it in the food processor a bit at a time. I am going to get myself one of those small processors so I can just use it for my garden. We will see how well it works. Also got a couple pounds each of Comfrey and Nettle in the mail and will probably try that at a later time.

aloe.jpgcomfrey nettle.jpg

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Does anyone else get shiny spots on leaves after foilar feeding with coconut water?

I've taken to spraying my plants down with plain water an hour or so after a foilar feed to avoid this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't seem to have any issues. My leaves are always shiny with no residue. I go heavy too sometimes.


Well-Known Member
rising moon im with you 100% about the shiny spots. I usually follow up a few days later with water, and then neem/silica once that dries and there are no more spots.

Also, i have been told by higher powers that coconut water is better used in the soil than as a foliar. for enzymes, a sprouted seed foliar will do just fine.

only seed tea foliars for me from now on.

BTW headtreep I can attest to cootz' cloning method - i'll post some pics later today. totally green clones and amazing root growth sans clonex :). that bubbling mason jar setup looks exactly like


Well-Known Member
Hey bro how you been?? Crazy I don't get residue. Yeah I do both with coconut water. I get very excellent results since using the trio of coconut, aloe, and enzymes.


Well-Known Member
Also, i have been told by higher powers that coconut water is better used in the soil than as a foliar. for enzymes, a sprouted seed foliar will do just fine.

only seed tea foliars for me from now on.
Coconuts are seeds :-o But I get ya.