Slinger's 300 watt LED grow, Purple Cadillac and Grand AK


Well-Known Member
PPM reader on its way, honestly this is the only detail of this grow I have no idea about so when it gets here I can give you guys the only missing info!


Well-Known Member
Day 24 of 12/12

To prep for heavier days to come I put a wooden rod down through the center of the pot of the Purple Cadillac, I also removed some lower bud sites and pulled a couple branches in just a bit to give me a little more room in the tent. If I get more yellowing in some of the fan leaves of the Purple Cadillac I will be giving a 1/4 dose of veg nutes on the next watering. As for the Grand AK, if things look worse I will give her a flush, I should have my TDS/PPM meter in by Wednesday which is perfect timing for me to also test the PPM of both plants since I have been unable to do this previously. The Grand Ak is definitely still growing and getting fatter she just looks so sad. Took a couple pics while working in the garden today.



Well-Known Member
Took a quick peek in the tent today, the Grand Ak seems to be perking up a bit! Things are not as far along as I would think the should be under 3 weeks of 12/12, thinking I might have a light leak somewhere, bought some black duct tape and I'm gonna do some investigating. Besides that we are just getting a little more stretching and trich formation.


Ugh 10 gallons of ph'ed water through the pot...guess I need to go ahead and buy the Ammonia Detox chemical for Aquariums so I can start using my tap water, It kills chlorine and chloramine so hopefully I can pick some up sometime soon. How far back is this gonna set my flowering time?

edit: And why is it only 1 plant with this problem and not the other? strain related?

For what it is worth I have used tap water over 3 different cities in many grows with no issue. I am doing hydro though. The air stone helps that.


Well-Known Member
Taped up the area where the power cords are running out of my tent and pointed the duct that air is flowing into the tent passively and pointed it towards the ground instead of out so hopefully this fixed the issue. I glanced in before work and things are getting fatter and skunky inside.
As far as tap water is concerned I have used it in a few cities myself but chloramine cannot be evaporated no matter what, dispite an air stone/boiling etc. thanks for the comment though, I'm always happy to explain my reasoning behind my actions.


Well-Known Member
Day 27 of 12/12

Its watering day, my ppm meter isnt here yet but i couldnt wait any klonger, the Grand AK's leaves were looking worse and we were getting a little more yellowing of the leaves on the Purple Cadillac, so I pushed 5 gallons of 6.5 ph'ed water through both plants, the final gallon received #/4 of a tsp of GH MaxiGrow 10-5-14 and 2 tsp of Cal-Mag Plus. Hopefully this will remedy the issues. The water I used was tap water but I treated it with Dechlor, 2 drops per gallon to instantly neutralize chlorine and chloramine. Here are some photos, you can definitely see the issues I am dealing with but hopefully I should still be able to pull off a decent harvest.



Well-Known Member
Day 28 of 12/12

Everything looks great after yesterdays mini flush(leech)! All the leaves that are not damaged are reaching up towards the light, like strait up almost. A little bit of fattening and some more trichs. No nute burn that can be seen so far from the 1/4 dose veg nutes. Ill give it another dose of flowering nutes next water and my ppm meter should be in so thats gonna be extremely helpful, Ill give them both 1 gallon of ph'd water to see what my ppm of soil is, then adjust the amount of nutrients so we get around 600-650ppm, and work our way up from there til we reach around 900ppm and level off for a couple weeks at that unless we get some burn, then its gonna be time to slowly drop the ppm of nutes in the soil in prep for harvest. Fingers crossed I fixed the issue with the last watering. We will also be back to the HD shots in a few days!



Well-Known Member
We getting back on track after the amendments? :)
It appears so, I have not seen any more yellowing of the leaves on the Purple Cadillac, and the Grand Ak has definitely perked up, gonna give them a light dose of flowering nutes next water. Since I got the ppm meter I measure a batch of the amount of flowering nutes I was giving before and its around 650 ppm, dont know the ppm of the soil yet, will take a sample next watering. They still look kinda small to me for them being 4 weeks into 12/12, could be the LED panels though. They are not more than 12 inches away from the top of the canopy and I am getting pretty even light distribution, atleast the light I can see, dont know about infrared. What are your thoughts from what you can see?


Well-Known Member
Yip...from i can see looking alot better.

If its an improvement....its an improvement! :)
Thanks man, I did see some root tips trying to peek their way out of the bottom drainage holes, guess they needed a little more room than I gave them. Oh well too late to transplant again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...i would expect to see roots at the bottom of any pot at this stage of the cycle....i constantly have that problem with my mothers...4 months old in 2 litre not a very nice parent. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Yeah...i would expect to see roots at the bottom of any pot at this stage of the cycle....i constantly have that problem with my mothers...4 months old in 2 litre not a very nice parent. :fire:
Yea I need to remember to trim the roots when I transplant next time. I always worry I'm gonna get some of my girls root bound some day.


Well-Known Member
Project Coming Soon

Breeding The Church with Bubba Kush...coming immediately after harvest.

The Church is an old strain I grew from Green House Seeds (everybody moan) but I loved the flavor of it, so I am gonna cross it with a strong kush strain aka Bubba and hope to maintain some of the flavors from the original Church. If not we will be back crossing, with The Church for a second time. I know im not gonna be harvesting primo nugs starting out but I feel like the end result will be worth it. To makeup for the loss of potency since the bud will be seedy, Im gonna throw a couple 60 day wonder Autos in the tent to finish out before the lights switch to 12/12, I dont have a lot of room but I wont be training for an even canopy, just growing strait up to flower and pollinate. Settling in for a great adventure, but no worries I wont be cutting this grow short to start the new one, I will wait the time that is needed, I started out this grow hasty but now its time to be patient.


Well-Known Member
Day 31 of 12/12

Its watering day and I have my ppm, reader. So here is a breakdown.

Grand AK:

-Starting water to test ppm: 74 ppm
-After 1 gallon through soil: Soil PPM 478
-After 1 gallon w/ 2 tsp Cal-Mag Plus and 2 tsp Tiger Bloom: 1200

Thoughts: I know that number is a little high but they should be able to handle it this far into flowering, fingers crossed for no burn. If we do get some, we leech down to 800.

Purple Cadillac:

-PPM after 1 gallon of water at 74 PPM: 1000 PPM
-PPM After 1 gallon of water w/ 2 tsp of Cal Mag Plus and 1.75 tsp of Tiger Bloom: 900
-Thoughts: Looking pretty good although I am gonna up the PPM to about 1200 watering after next.

That's all for now guys! GROW ON


Well-Known Member
Its been a little under 10 hrs since I watered, no nute burn yet. Its almost dark time so we shall see in the morning whats up. Hoping for some dynamic calyx formation!