Picture of your pet thread !!!


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I had to scroll past your pics quick before my pup saw the "Kong".
He goes ape-shit when ever we play with that thing.

He's had it for a couple of years now & can't seem to hurt the thing, but I got him a couple of the "doggie" tennis balls for Christmas - bitten in half in the first few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! Minky is driving me mad. I've always had cats (since I was 8) and not had this problem before. I've always thought male cats were cleaner than the females. He's not spraying but he is
making little pees on the floor in a couple of places. I change his litter daily and I have a pot of soil on the terrace too. He's about a year old and I think I need to hurry up with the castration??? I can't have this, thank God I don't have carpet. I show him what he's done (I don't rub his nose in it) and I shout at him and clap my hands and he runs off. He has done it more since my bf has moved in. Is it time to de-nut him?


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Get a squirt gun or a good spray bottle & fill with water.
Hit him with it while he's in the act - cats freakin hate this treatment & seem to figure out what's wrong pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! Minky is driving me mad. I've always had cats (since I was 8) and not had this problem before. I've always thought male cats were cleaner than the females. He's not spraying but he is
making little pees on the floor in a couple of places. I change his litter daily and I have a pot of soil on the terrace too. He's about a year old and I think I need to hurry up with the castration??? I can't have this, thank God I don't have carpet. I show him what he's done (I don't rub his nose in it) and I shout at him and clap my hands and he runs off. He has done it more since my bf has moved in. Is it time to de-nut him?
De-nutting your b/f wont help. unless he's peeing in the corner too, even then just a warning first, may stop it.:-P

I had good luck, I'd catch him in the act and take him to his box and make him stay in there for about 30 sec, (lifetime for a cat)


Well-Known Member
All 3 puppies after yesterdays 1 hour play session..

this new puppy is WAYYYYYYYYYYY more funny then my Roxy dog.. (dont tell her.. but she is over 5 and acts it) I feel bad for Roxy so I make it a point to SPOIL her in front of the new puppy..

New puppy can stand on her haunches and do what I call "the prairie dog"



Global Moderator
Staff member
All 3 puppies after yesterdays 1 hour play session..

this new puppy is WAYYYYYYYYYYY more funny then my Roxy dog.. (dont tell her.. but she is over 5 and acts it) I feel bad for Roxy so I make it a point to SPOIL her in front of the new puppy..

New puppy can stand on her haunches and do what I call "the prairie dog"

Chubby little roxy looks like she'd be able to sit up on her bottom like this.

View attachment 2556335


Well-Known Member
Thats some thing you should have done Before you let him move in!!
When I took him off the street he was kind of distressed. I guessed his age then to be 9 mths after 3 mths feeding on the street. I hope once he's done it'll stop. So, that should fix it right??
Get a squirt gun or a good spray bottle & fill with water.
Hit him with it while he's in the act - cats freakin hate this treatment & seem to figure out what's wrong pretty quick.
Funnily enough, if I see him scratching around I ask him what he's doing and he runs to his tray! Water sprays are great and I used to keep one by the bed to stop another cat I had waking me up in the morning. He used to look for food at 6am!! No cat is training me to get up at that time to feed!!


Well-Known Member
That is sh*t head,so named because he would wake me at 5AM to let him out and then cry like a baby outside my window at 5:30 to come in again.He was the coolest.


Well-Known Member
My girl doesn't like the smoke either and I try and make sure she doesn't have to breathe any.More for me:-P
Yeah, I had him up on the bed one night and thought I'd share. He ran around like an idiot for a minute and then pissed all over the bed. He's cut off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I had him up on the bed one night and thought I'd share. He ran around like an idiot for a minute and then pissed all over the bed. He's cut off.
It freaked him out for sure.Their smell is 150x better than ours so weed must smell pretty damn nasty to them


Well-Known Member
I did a little reading up on it and I guess weed can be toxic to animals in high enough doses.
I may have read that also,it sounds vaguely familiar.
Their lungs would be so much sensitve than ours also.
I had a dog with cancer and really wanted to save him so started treating him myself with alternative remedies so when he lost his appetite I'd give him some weed mixed with butter and after a couple of days he was able to eat again.He did ultimately die but lasted a lot longer than the 3 vets I brought him to said he would and he died pain free in his home.


Well-Known Member
I may have read that also,it sounds vaguely familiar.
Their lungs would be so much sensitve than ours also.
I had a dog with cancer and really wanted to save him so started treating him myself with alternative remedies so when he lost his appetite I'd give him some weed mixed with butter and after a couple of days he was able to eat again.He did ultimately die but lasted a lot longer than the 3 vets I brought him to said he would and he died pain free in his home.

They really become part of the family. Losing a pet is a sad thing to go through. I often base my opinion of people on how they treat animals. That was a really nice thing you did for your pooch! +rep