Damn Why is San Diego gay about MMJ


I go to cali all the time with friends. I live in arizona and I have my MMJ card here. Fully legal in every way. When I went to venice, the bay area, etc I would simply go on craigslist and find someone who would accept my mmj card. It worked all the time! I usually don't go to san diego but the girl who planned it wanted to stay in mission beach. I just peeped craigslist like I usually do and they have Nothing on mmj then I read they shut down all their dispensaries! WTF>?!? I do not want to drive 4 hours for bud WHAT should I do. I can simply buy a zip here in 2 seconds and it seems hard to find in SD is it>?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
from what i hear san diego is the shit... 72 everyday.. fine ass women... close has hell to mexico..and is a decent city that is expensive to live in.. i was living about 2.5 hours north of san diego.. if there was any place i could live in socal or cali period it would be san diego.. i was unaware they were gay about the bud... this is the first ive heard of it.. and i didnt experiance it while i visited s.d. and if you look on budtrader you will prolly see alot of meds for donation so i dont feel what ur saying..


Well-Known Member
if you got ur rec. on you or atleast a pic of it and ur ali state id then hit up budtrader.. its hit or miss on quality sometimes but u will find something... stop bad mouthing san diego... if ur gonna talk shit talk shit about victorvalley, or antelope valley... its all tweekers and scum... san diego is were its at.


Ursus marijanus
I go to cali all the time with friends. I live in arizona and I have my MMJ card here. Fully legal in every way. When I went to venice, the bay area, etc I would simply go on craigslist and find someone who would accept my mmj card. It worked all the time! I usually don't go to san diego but the girl who planned it wanted to stay in mission beach. I just peeped craigslist like I usually do and they have Nothing on mmj then I read they shut down all their dispensaries! WTF>?!? I do not want to drive 4 hours for bud WHAT should I do. I can simply buy a zip here in 2 seconds and it seems hard to find in SD is it>?!?!?!?!?
I want to know your secret. What did you do to gain Federal dispensation? cn


Damn man I obviously did not mean it literally. geez. I know how nice and awesome san diego is I've vacationed there twice and went to camp pendleton for my brother graduation once too. It is a beautiful place. I was strictly talking about the bud scene. Now what is this so called bud trader site? ima check it out.


Well-Known Member
Uh, go to the beach or Balboa Park. There are many who sell. I was a Marine stationed there in the late 60's and bought it all the time. If they would sell to a grunt in a Marine Class A then they will pretty much sell to anyone.


Well-Known Member
There are listings all over cg for bud in san diego. The mayor just let store fronts open up. You have no clue what your talking about. If it sucks stay in arizona, we don't need anymore traffic! Plus nobody is gonna serve an out of state rec. Why risk a sale w/ u when the can just do it legally.


Well-Known Member
Damn man I obviously did not mean it literally. geez. I know how nice and awesome san diego is I've vacationed there twice and went to camp pendleton for my brother graduation once too. It is a beautiful place. I was strictly talking about the bud scene. Now what is this so called bud trader site? ima check it out.
its def. better then this shithole police ass city and state im in now...


Well-Known Member
Nobody form cali would waste their time to go get buds in that redneck ass state. You write like a little boy using ignorant words like retard and gay incorrectly. You should fit right in. Btw have fun getting ripped on bt. And still don't want you on thr road here, your gas money isn't going to jump any economy. Deuces was cool 2 yrs ago, I know not much info gets into your redneck part of the woods.