Yeah ive got the idea in my head, just need to be able to pull it off now haha
Anyways, heres some progress!

Day 8 since seed pop White Widow
Ive moved the White Widow under the CFL just an hour ago and its on 24/7 lighting atm, but all its recovery so far these last few days has been under the LED panel.
So im stoked its doing well :)


Day 22 since pop Grinspoon
The Grinspoon is now in the cab under 12/12 LED light, i was thinking of adding in some suplimental lighting but ive decided against it as ive already spent enough on the grow for a while, plus I'm actually interested in seeing how this 'cheapish' eBay 120w LED panel goes for the rest of the grow on its own :)
The Grinspoon is starting to come out of her shell slowly which is nice, im guessing that 100 day flowering cycle she has really helps her take ages to grow out. Plus she is young a guess. But wont be long until the White Widow over takes her :)

thanks for that, ill look into it :)
only problem is that i just started the 12/12 for her now. The Flairform flowering nutes that im purchasing contain very little Nitrogen. Would that be a problem? or Should i feed her Veg nutes for another week or two then move over to Flowering phase once she greens up a little more?
Flowering high P nutes are garbage. P is the least used of the macros. Calcium is used more than P in flower. Stick with the n nutes. And feed sparingly with it as well. Sativas can be finicky. But that grinspoon is fine smoke
Got some flairform Green Dream #1 veg nutrients today and applied around 1/4th of the recommended dose
Im hoping that itll help pick up the plants as they do look like they are missing out of some nitrogen!


Grinspoon at day 22, she is still under 24/7. Not sure if her slow growth is normal or not but she is still alive!


White Widow Wendy at day 11 is bouncing back nicely, ill give her another week and then swap the two over to 12/12... I think, thats the plan at this stage anyways. But ill most likely end up changing my mind again as always!

Coming along nicely dude :) the WW is growing heaps quick compared to the grinspoon hey, but that would also be due to te grinspoon being a very looooong flowering sat! Keep up the good work dude, will be good to see how they go
Under the LED :)
Day 30 of the grinspoon. Did its first feed of the nutes on sunday 24-02-13 and its second feeding this friday morning 01-03-13 all it about 1/4th the strength recommended. leaves look good but the older leaves are still yellow. i guess they will not loose the yellowing they had earlier on, altho a leaf tips burn is continueing to get worse. there is still growth on the plant so im not sure if i should continue the nute strenght, up it to half or do a full water only feeding next because of the one leaf tip burn it has!



Day 19 of the white widow. slow progress once again, im thinking the LED panel isnt powerful enough to give it that oomfph it requires to grow fast. either way its still providing enough light to make progress. so ill try and resist the temptation to fix it by adding more lights/getting a new LED panel.
looks like she is liking the nutes so i think ill strenghten her nutes to 1/2 recommended dosage and go from there!


Both are looking good dude! I personally dont see any nute burn on the grinspoon though, that bottom leaf that looks like its burning is actually feeding the plant nutrients, id just keep the same strength :)

The white widow is looking great too man, i reckon a nute strength of 1/3 to 1/2 strength would do it well :D
i havent switched it to 12/12 yet like i was planning to earlier
inbetween my dog getting to the ww and also having to transplant it into the bigger containers i figured id start the flowering after its been transplanted and then one more watering with veg nutes and then ill swap it over to 12/12.
or so im planning, who knows what ill be planning next week! :o
Yeah my grow has changed quite a bit as well cant do pics till next week due to a move that's coming up here within a week or so but my purple kush has shown it's first few white pistils already really small but i for sure spotted at least 2 sets so far it's on day 21 today
Yeah my grow has changed quite a bit as well cant do pics till next week due to a move that's coming up here within a week or so but my purple kush has shown it's first few white pistils already really small but i for sure spotted at least 2 sets so far it's on day 21 today
Let me know when you have some pics up and running as i want to perv on your setup :)
thats awesome to hear about the kush :)

Nothing new to report on really, transplanted them over to bigger pots now that should see them to the end of flower.
Grinspoon suffered abit of tip burn from over nute, she is very sensitive to the nutes. I used just under 1/4 of the recomended dosage per litre and still got burnt, so ill be giving her water only for the next couple of feedings



the White Widow is doing ok, slow and a little bit of light green but no burn from the nutes i gave her so ive fed her one more time with the 1/4th nute strenght mix ive made and if all goes well ill up it to 1/2 next feeding.

I've always found sativas pretty touchy with nutes too hey. The WW actually looks like it could use more so your plan to go to half strength for it sounds good :) keep up the good work man, they'll get there :D
Yeah I figured the white widow needed more nutes but the grinspoon not so much as it's new leaf tips are burnt

This is the white widow that needs more nutes
I disagree as the lower leaves are very yellow..but this is the fun of sativas...a very fine line between too much and too little
Yeah thats true Kite, i can never seem to find that perfect balance with them i guess!

The WW definitely needs food :)

1 x Grinspoon FEM

The Grinspoon pushing through


Grinspoon at 7 days old


Grinspoon at 12 days old
Shes a little droopy atm, not sure whats up! but she is still a healthy bright green atm. So all positive still


Grinspoon at 16 days old


2 x White Widow Reg

The first White Widow popped, I cant recall which one of the two it was as one of them was abnormally larger then all my other seeds were haha

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Subbed bro... keep up the good work... You're like to only other person on RIU using flairform nutes... I'm using them too and loving them
I disagree as the lower leaves are very yellow..but this is the fun of sativas...a very fine line between too much and too little

i thought that the lower leaves being light green meant that it was N deficient and then upper leaves being dark green is from me feeding it N and being good.
Or should the lower leaves have turned darker green as well after the feeding?

Subbed bro... keep up the good work... You're like to only other person on RIU using flairform nutes... I'm using them too and loving them

So they have worked out well for you then? I got them because it was $20 a bottle and looked like it would do the job fine! :D