
Well-Known Member
Idk why in the hell you people wanna be "in love" so bad anyway. I got an Asian here I been trying to get rid of for 6 months. I've known him for 7 lol. Needy lil bastards, men are!


Well-Known Member
Wow! I can't wear really high heels without dwarfing my bf!

Wait til Thump Easy sees this!! (he has a foot fetish!)
I can't wear really high heels. In fact, i'm just learning to walk in heels. I've never felt the inclination to wear shoes that hate women as much as heels seem to. Until recently anyway.


Well-Known Member
I can't wear really high heels. In fact, i'm just learning to walk in heels. I've never felt the inclination to wear shoes that hate women as much as heels seem to. Until recently anyway.

OMG, I sooo love heals. You just wait, once you get started, you just won't be able to walk by a sexy pair of stilettos.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Ok, heres a couple more... damn... lol


Watch, cops come knocking on my door in 3...2...1... fuck, i gotta work tomorrow morning this is bull shit!

Nah, that was a long time ago... it was fun while it lasted.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Heres a few pics... wasn't even a quarter of the harvest... lol. Questions on the totes with the plants medium submerged in water? Ask away. Plus rep for who can guess why i did this.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
this is whats going on in all d.e.a. drug eveidence seazier facilities all over america when the lights go out...
Well, it's a good thing i don't grow or smoke anymore then. /shrug

There is no way to prove that this was my grow room, nor my plants. I've got nothing to hide, come to my house right now and you'll find grey goose vodka and some grape juice...

Like i said... this is long in the past my friend. It was fun while it lasted.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well, it's a good thing i don't grow or smoke anymore then. /shrug

There is no way to prove that this was my grow room, nor my plants. I've got nothing to hide, come to my house right now and you'll find grey goose vodka and some grape juice...

dont waste my time... ima bizzy man... if we gonna go into bizzness togather you know what you gotta do right...

[youtube]i8oVZiuk0r8[/youtube] lol had to do it again this the full version