1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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Well-Known Member
Looks good matt! I wanna play with a DWC! .... I actually think I am going to get stuff to do a couple outdoors with tomatoes and peppers.
Those are a long ass commitment, my jalapeno plant is running on fourish months and its just getting good sized peppers. They grow frickin huge though. It was a cool thing to do but the plant cost me probly almost a hundred bucks under hps with nutes and all. Good for education but bad when jap are only 1.50$ a pound at the store. I might get three - five lbs off the plant, thats like 25 bucks a lb lol. I hope they taste damn good :):):)


Well-Known Member
ok so i made a honest attempt at light proofing my DWC bucket, afer about 3 minutes of fucking with it and making my girl look like she is wearing a straight jacket i said fuck this...follow along and see how bad i fuck this up...or get butt hurt because im not going to light proof it and un sub...i got a good buzz right now and i just dont give a fuck...

shit is fine btw did a rez change today and will post pics later..


Well-Known Member

i did my rez change, added 2.5 ml of nutrient solution...not sure of the PPM ill check that today along with the PH. had a little root slime in the middle of the roots, washed out with ease in the sink. roots are nice and crispy and white and healthy looking. plant is growing at crazy speeds, noticable difference every day. hoping i have enough time to finish up my furthest along in flower right now before this is ready for the flower cab as when its harvested it will make room for the DWC.

i did make a honest attempt to cover it but i realized its going to be more work than its worth at this point to do it right. when i harvest this plant i will seal it up before next use when its empty and i can work with it. dont want to damage anything in the process.

basil is doing well, got rid of one of the auto blue mammoth seeds to my patient friend. also got rid of some clones to him. should have enough room now to do some transplants. hopefully soon i can get this DWC outta my veg area and into the flowering area so i will have evenmore room for vegging plants.

in 2 weeks i intend on starting some seeds, going to make a poll thread on which ones to start, prob do 4 definatly going with trainwreck and purple haze, then not sure what else.


Active Member
Looks great man.. if you've built up enough beneficial microbes in your rez that will likely go further to preventing any slime that the light proofing would..

You're making me want to try DWC again... is that plant from seed or a clone? looks like seed but just curious


Well-Known Member
yes its from seed. i think its going really well for my first DWC...making me want to go 100% hydro soon, maybe a RDWC in 2 gal buckets for veg then switched to a 5 gal system in the flower room. one of these days...i do enjoy my organic and soil though.

technical dan

Active Member
Those are a long ass commitment, my jalapeno plant is running on fourish months and its just getting good sized peppers. They grow frickin huge though. It was a cool thing to do but the plant cost me probly almost a hundred bucks under hps with nutes and all. Good for education but bad when jap are only 1.50$ a pound at the store. I might get three - five lbs off the plant, thats like 25 bucks a lb lol. I hope they taste damn good :):):)
Are they? We don't have the longest growing season out here, but I've been thinking bell peppers. I would like to do hot peppers sometime but they are harder to grow correct?

Sorry to take that off topic; damn matt seems like I see you order seeds in every thread.


Well-Known Member
i like a variety :) and bell peppers are difficult as well, i have a couple going right now and this will be my 3rd or 4th time trying them.


Well-Known Member
I cant get bell peppers to do anything, ever. Ive gotten a couple peppers but they were tiny. Id do basil in the dwc to practice. Its easy and done in a quarter of the time and it looks like this when its done :) or just skip the practice and dive right in :):):)



Active Member
yes its from seed. i think its going really well for my first DWC...making me want to go 100% hydro soon, maybe a RDWC in 2 gal buckets for veg then switched to a 5 gal system in the flower room. one of these days...i do enjoy my organic and soil though.
I did the RDWC thing.. had it leak on me twice.. I could've spent the time tinkering with it and using aquarium putty etc... but I'm no McGyver.. I just want to keep it simple.. I like the idea of just DWC in a 5 gallon.. I've got a pump and a drip spike though so I could see running that too, although I suppose it would up my temperatures...

Now that I know a little bit more about running some bennies in the REZ I would try to encourage that as well.. I might cut my clones and pop them into a DWC..


Well-Known Member
I did the RDWC thing.. had it leak on me twice.. I could've spent the time tinkering with it and using aquarium putty etc... but I'm no McGyver.. I just want to keep it simple.. I like the idea of just DWC in a 5 gallon.. I've got a pump and a drip spike though so I could see running that too, although I suppose it would up my temperatures...

Now that I know a little bit more about running some bennies in the REZ I would try to encourage that as well.. I might cut my clones and pop them into a DWC..
yeah but doing 12+ plants in a reg DWC is just a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
im not pumping anything out im simply helping someone else pump it out with the finacial and labor spects in return i get what i put in and thats 100% :)


Well-Known Member
Ya, wait till that DWC gum kicks into full swing! Then youll see some shiz go down. That thing will 3x everything again. I need to live in the country where its quiet and i can have chickens and cows, now thats a good way to retire :):):)