Club 600


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! And I love that song. I'd say it's one of my favorites. Not bragging.....ok I am... I seen them perform that song before the album was released. lol
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(fingers firmly stuck in ears with eyes squeezed shut)

It's also my favorite song of theirs, tied with The Camera Eye (and, therefor, my two favorite two songs of all time).
I plan on doing a bass cover vid for both of them, but this round of leukemia meds is bringing me to my knees and my food intake has dwindled for lack of appetite from nausea, so my muscles are slowly wearing away.
But I still play every day about 2 to 3 hours so the muscle memory will be there when they finally get stronger again.
I have vowed not to record them until I can do them full justice (which isn't perfect, but then I'm no Geddy Lee).
2 more months before I get a 30 day break from treatment, then back at it again for 3 more months to see where it gets me.


Well-Known Member
It's a plus.
I find it funny when someone says they hate Rush, based on the 3 songs that get played in the U.S., considering they have a song library of about 160 songs (more than that now).
To me, there is something for everyone in their music, somewhere.


Well-Known Member
One more epic from the masters:
(damn, such a great song)


(and now off to clean up. The wife called and wants to go out for dinner tonight. STEAK!!!)
Back later..


Well-Known Member
I forgot how much I like the Camera Eye.

Sorry your feeling so crap with your treatment Doob. Way to keep fighting.


Well-Known Member
Hey doob sux u feel crappy and those fuckers are sending that poison smoke yer way.
Cant wait till u get out of there, I hate having my windows closed too!