you are correct in that the lower may not green up again as they went too far

I have seen great results from those using flairform
I've used flairform for a few years with great results. Decided to go with cyco this time after seeing Flowamastas results, i can safely say that the cyco range is THE shit, amazing results so far! I should get maybe 4-5 grows out of the bottles too so works out only a little more expensive...
Time for me to change too...not happy with the nutrifield elements...looks like cycos next!
I've used flairform for a few years with great results. Decided to go with cyco this time after seeing Flowamastas results, i can safely say that the cyco range is THE shit, amazing results so far! I should get maybe 4-5 grows out of the bottles too so works out only a little more expensive...

That sounds awesome man, might invest in that for that next time, Just went with flairform cause it seemed like an easy and effective nute to use :P Plus you did recommend it to me haha

Time for me to change too...not happy with the nutrifield elements...looks like cycos next!

What was it about the nutrifield elements nutetrients that you werent happy with?

The grinspoon is coming along ok aside from the tips burning from nute burn, but at the same time its getting a little light green around the leaf edges. possible potassium issue?
So my flairform nutes contain potassium but im worried about feeding more of it cause it might cause nute burn with the excess other nutes :/


The White Widow is coming along nicely, some yellow on the tip edges so its next feeding ill be doubling the feeding of the nutes from 1/4 dose to 1/2 and it should help it along more.

Sweet as dude, im so far very impressed with the cyco nutes. The flairform still does me well, im using it on my little outdoory ;) i use the flairform bloom, silica majik and organic psycho bud and it has worked very well this time! My other outdoory is also on the same nutes so you can see it works :)

Your girls are looking good man, the flairform does have potassium and i wouldnt be giving them any more, they need it more in early flowering than they do in veg :)
Before I slag the nutrifield off I must say that I bought the bottles oweff an ebay seller and when I recieved the ebottles the seals had been compromised and was leaking also they've been stored in 40 degree plus heat...anyway I find it strong easy to burn..also I feel theres not enough micro nutrients...maybe its just me...i used to use dutch fest, I alot easier..
So they have worked out well for you then? I got them because it was $20 a bottle and looked like it would do the job fine! :D

Most definately, I would recommend them for quality and price... I'm using them almost exclusively except for rhizotonic & floralicious+...
I've used flairform for a few years with great results. Decided to go with cyco this time after seeing Flowamastas results, i can safely say that the cyco range is THE shit, amazing results so far! I should get maybe 4-5 grows out of the bottles too so works out only a little more expensive...

So far, what are the results over flairform as i'm keen to experiment...
The flairform i think lacked a bit in iron and was a tad weaker in the nitrogen field, my plants were always a nice colour green but the cyco seems to really bring out the colour. Plus i only used flairform in soil, i havent used it in a hydro system. The cyco B1 Boost and Dr Repair are also great products, the Dr Repair gives extra nitrogen and iron but in an easily absorbed form. Dunno what it is mate but its working very well for me :D i'm hanging to put my girl back so i can see it using the flower nutes!
Im starting to own towards the soil being the reason for the grinspoon not coming out so well. I watered her on Monday with pHed water only and no nutes but she is still suffering from what looks like mute burn/deficiency :/

I fed the White Widow 1/2 dose of nutes on Monday and I'm not sure how she is taking it. The lower leaves are about to fall off by the looks of it and the upper are doing OK but with slight yellowing
Could the roots be in the compost soil that I have now and all the added nutes with the watering be too much for her to handle now?
The compost shouldnt be the issue hey, it should have beneficial bacteria to help breakdown the nitrogen into what the plant requires. Did you end up putting any manure in it? Also does any of the other soil have inbuilt fertilizer like osmocote? If it does then that is what is adding nutrients. Id even suggest getting some dolomite lime for some calcium and sprinkle a little on the soil...its got me buggered as to what it is besides over watering from the wicking pots...
flush it with plain water...feed 1/4 dose immediately after flushing...if you do have time released nutes in the mix you are basically fucked
I'll try the dolomite lime and flush with water that's 6.6/7pH and leave her alone for a few days
I'll measure the run off as well and get rid of the air pot
Sounds like a good plan dude! Sorry things have gone pear shaped again hey, really got me buggered whats goin on hey, soil is usually heaps more forgiving!
Grinspoon and white widow run off were both 6.6
So not sure what's happening there
The soil mix I'm using I used first on some vegetable sprouts straight up from seed with no issue and I used it with my chili plant as well with no drama
So I don't know what's causing the excess burn, I'll recalibrate my pH pen just to be double sure
Another failed attempt by the looks of it!

Would superthrive possibly help, Anyone have any experience with it?
or is she beyond saving at this point :/
Hmm well its got me stuffed mate! Superthrive will help with the stress but we still need to work out what the real issue is...

Ok so the pH is good, you're only feeding 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes, you're only watering every few days...i cant think of what else it could be besides them being hungry. When i grow in soil, the first 2 weeks i feed with nutes once a week and then after that i feed every second watering with nutes and ive never had issues. If you're ok with the possibilty of maybe losing these ones, maybe try feeding with 1/2 strength nutes every 2nd watering. So freshwater, then 3 days later nutes and so on. Sorry man, im really stumped as to what it could be. Did you get some dolomite?
yeap runoff good, nutes are reccomended for soil 2ml every litre and ive added in 1mL for the white widow and .5mL per Litre
aside from my watering on monday and today ive been watering about every sunday/monday
it really has to be the soil. its too late now to transplant into some seedling soil or something light like that right? =(
Nah man, you could try transplanting into bigger pots with just potting mix. It will require watering more often but you can flush it easily enough as well.
I'll give her until Friday to see, too busy tomorrow to do it.
I'm hoping the water will give her a little flush and any salt/excess nutes are gone so she can recover
If that doesn't work then I'm pretty sure by Friday they will be dead... :(