

Active Member
Hell, he wishes he had a tenth of a real plant.. Lmao
Maybe that thing he called a plant was a tenth of a plant. Hell i still think he just broke off a bud site from someone elses plant and put it in soil....That was a major definition of MAJOR FAIL!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I should clarify :)
I meant cheap as in type of lighting, media, hydration options etc...the actual putting together of these things wouldn't be poorly done. I'm a bit anal. My concern is more like...I don't want to be that asshole at the golf course with platinum clubs and a nifty swing gauge if grandpa's rusty clubs would do just fine. It's easy to get into over-spending on stuff you don't really need.

So, I'm trying to get an idea of a "normal" total investment and then plan from there

heres my 2¢

hit up and pick up a coupple appolo grow light kits, one 1000w kit and a 600w kit...(the 600w kit is roughly the same price as the 400w kit so no sense in not getting the 600 since they are dimmable) 600's arent in stockso just grab 2 1k watters, you can dim them down and you have room for later expansion. also pick up a couple 600w MH bulbs so you can dim one of the 1000w lights down to 600 for the veg tent.

pick up some fans, panda film, temp humidity gague's, nutrients, soil, fabric pots (cheaper and better than plastic nursery pots).

hit up attitude and spend 140 bucks on some it during a promotion for extra beans.

home depot and 2x3's around a buck a piece, grab up 20 of them, staples and staple gun.

you said you already taking you already have that equipment im assuming.

now..get to yourself a 6x4 room and wrap it in panda film, theres your flower room

build a 4x4 room and theres your veg room

your looking at around 1000 bucks on everything once its all said and done.....

with a 6x4 room you can fit around 10-12 plants in it (i have 13 in mine)

the apollo ballasts i mentioned are nice, they are cheap but offer a 3 year warranty.......cant beat it for the price. i am using 2 of them and they work great...

feel free to check out my grow in my sig, im pretty much outlining what im doing. you can dump another 5-600 bucks on adding CO2 but its not 100% necessary right this minute, is CO2 worthwhile? yes i think it is, if i had the funds i would buy a system in a heartbeat, for now i do a DIY yeast and sugar water and it seems to work fine.

most people start small and work thier way up.....not sure if this is something your interested in but for 300 bucks you can grab up a light and a 4x4 tent and start there. then as things progress upgrade to a self built room and use the tent to flower.

also as a note, if i could do one thing over i would either have bought 2x 1k watt lights and build a slightly larger room (10x5) would be a good room for 2x 1k watt thats a 5x5 sq ft area for each light, or you could go 4x8 and do 2x600w (4x4 area for each light)

anyways feel free to PM me if you want or have any specific questions, i am the same mentality as you...i dont want to spend 800 bucks per light....wasting money is not my style and alot of people on here think you need 3k min to start a decent sized grow and you do not, with a little know how and some DIY you can have a nice larger scale grow up and running for a grand easily.


Well-Known Member
I always advise be ready to spend 500 bucks on a box, that includes cost of light and you being able to DIY on some things.

I tell the same people, if they arent ready to invest 500 bucks into growing, they really shouldn't be growing, just go buy it.


Well-Known Member
NY in the middle of nowhere....
Ha... we could be neighbors....
Mold in the basement, before you go big time make sure
you have eradicated all the mold and white powdery mildew from your area...
NY, you'll need possibly a small heater for winter
I use a deHumidifier, and a Humidifier, in the same room [veg]...
Obviously not at same time...but have used both a week apart...
Electric work, make sure your lighting circuit's are dedicated, if you are using 1000 watt lights...
Better to run multiple circuits from your electric panel to handle all your future power needs...or run a sub panel for your grow...
More wattage is always better, so plan on your grow space getting bigger [future lights/double in size?]
So, over plan on that...
Electric up grades to area add to your cost... PM me if you need any specific help with loads/power needed...
What is the Line drop amperage run into your electric service?
The old house I live in, has a 60 amp single phase/120 volt drop/two wire drop, so I am limited to size of grow before I even start....
So, what is the size of your 'Main' breaker at your panel ? Could be a limiting factor...
Keep us updated...



Well-Known Member
Man you guys must have ahellava grow rooms/houses. You must be using HIDs, did you add the electric bill in with'm a CFLer, but gona get a 400w HPS for my new flower room, but even with that I'll only be at $350, But I am planning a perpetual grow so I have my smoke at all times, of course the only pay back I want is some consitantly nice buds...not sellin
My two 400 watters, 1 running 20/4 other running 12/12 runs me an extra 20 bucks a month in electrical costs.
Make sure you add in a cfm fan for that light. You will need it to suck the heat off the bulb and expel it.

That 20 bucks a month also includes the wall unit ac I run in that room during summer OR the oil-radiator heater I use in that room during the winter.


Well-Known Member
I would say 1000 is a fair number depending on your goals and current setup. If you could use your current setup to veg and cone then it all depends on how dig you want to go. you want a pound every 2 months, easily done under 1000, light, fan+filter, soil pots and circulation fans.... snap snap


Well-Known Member
I spent about $1200 so far in equipment alone and need about another thousand watts of high-pressure lighting, so I would say I will have about $1500 into it in equipment by the time I'm done setting up both of my grow rooms. The estimated number of plants I can grow in these two grow rooms is six in the flower room and the same for the veg room. The flower room would have 2000 W of high-pressure sodium in it and is a 9 x 7 room, it only has 1000 W in it right now, but the room is not full either.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
my first grow (last summer) was done indoors with about 6 hrs/day sunshine, used Dutch potting soil, tap water and no nutes.

$7 for the soil, $3 for the plastic pot, resulted in 18 grams of decent smoke



Active Member
I love it.. I am from the school of thought, that the LEAST amount of money you have to spend, the better.

I love the 'I have a 40 dollar grow' and 'I grow what I need under a 60 watt light' stories..

Fuck 'the man'.. fuck the dealers, fuck the growers who think there is only one way.. fuck me, fuck you, fuck them and let's ee.. anyone else to fuck?

Seriously.. homegrown grass for zero dollars is more holy than 40 to 60 bucks for an 8th (depending on where you live).

People need to stop paying as much as they can for grass, and pay as little as they can for grass. They need to grow it themselves cheaply and ABUNDANTLY.


All that shit fly's out the door if you are commercial, that aint my gig, at all.. ... but if you are growing for personal use, there are people who are genuinely happy with their 40 dollar harvests.. it makes them happy.. they grew it themselves.. they didn't have to spend a penny to some punk for their grass.. it's a beautiful thing.. always. Not everyone needs a lb a plant, and not everyone could use that much of they tried. Not everyone needs 28% THC.. sometimes good leaf and back yard homegrown get a person 'just right'.

There is am multi bazillioon dollar industry waiting for your money. They will convince you that in order to grow this plant you need to invest in their magic products. They are no less evil than any industry who want's your money first and foremost. They don't give a shit about your plants, they will tell you to feed them double time hoping you will kill them and buy twice as much shit from them to 'fix' them after they told you how to poison them first.


Nothing wrong with a nice well financed grow room.. it's a piece of art..

Nothing wrong with a 50 dollar guerrilla grow... it's ESSENTIAL to have as many gardens of all kinds until we can get through prohibition.

Growers.. grow.. grow.. grow.. and don't waste time.. whatever you have.. EVERY GROW will teach you something.

NEVER let 'them' tell you what can't be done.. it's only seeds and dirt and sun and water.. you fuck it up, try again.. you get as many try's as you like.. JUST KEEP GROWING AND NEVER LET THEM SAY YOU CAN'T..

*steps off soap box*...

Sorry.. one of those mornings.. I'll shut up now.. sometimes it's so hard to shut up.. like now for instance, I just can't stop typing.. pretty soon the things zip by so fasst annnd stufff jussst becoooomes aaaaaaaaaaaa bluuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

Oh .. sorry.. it's one of those kinds of mornings also..


Active Member
Yeah 333, the world needs shwag as well.

It does.. and I do..

that said, I put my 100 dollar grow room bud up against the fellow who graciously turns me on to the strains. He cooks a few 1k's and in a few different rooms. He likes my 100 dollar grow room stuff because I tend to let the fruits ripen a bit more than his 'almost religious 59 day commercial harvests', and because on the plants I do dry (much get's eaten raw right off the plant), I like to hang whole untrimmed plants and let them hang and cure all in one naturally.. makes for wonderful crystally goodness that almost lights it's self (I don't smoke much myself, I eat it primarily).

Anyway.. ya.. the world does need shwag.. I know when I am playing with power tools or driving across country, I prefer something a little less hefty.. I grew up in another era, but I have always been very fond of good leaf.. unfortunately the way I grow, there is hardly any leaf to worry about.. I suppose being stuck with all buds isn't that bad.. *L*
