URGENT Please tell me what you think?

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Yo what's going on RUI I fucked up pretty bad right now guys. I'm on Adult Probation and have been getting tested every 2 weeks and I've been clean from all drugs for 5 months now. I got caught up with some illegal drugs and went to jail for a few weeks then got out on House Arrest and I had to get drug tested every 3 days and stayed clean for basically 5 months now except for psychedelics and I just smoked one hit from a bowl of pure Kief. 1 hit. I will probably get drug tested in 8-10 days. Do you think it will be out of my system in around 3-4 days because I work out 3 times a week and play basketball on the weekends with my boys.
Thanks really appreciate it

match box

Well-Known Member
Ya what he said^. Drink a lot of water it probable won't make any big difference but ya feel like your doing something.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Guys I was a active smoker up to 4-5 times a day for around 4 years except 90 days when I was at Rehab when I was 19 and the 5 months it's been. It took me a total of 22 days to get clean after I got arrested. I honestly don't believe 8-10 days is how long. I read many places anwhere from 3-5 days if the THC is completly out of my system


Ursus marijanus
Guys I was a active smoker up to 4-5 times a day for around 4 years except 90 days when I was at Rehab when I was 19 and the 5 months it's been. It took me a total of 22 days to get clean after I got arrested. I honestly don't believe 8-10 days is how long. I read many places anwhere from 3-5 days if the THC is completly out of my system
Trouble is, they measure a persistent metabolite. It also depends on how seriously they'll test. I give you a good chance of surviving this one, but as long as you're under the man's thumb I'd ask you to have more of a "just say no for now" resolution. cn


New Member
I'm pretty sure 5 days max it would be out since it's one hit of marijuana and you guys have to keep in mind, some peoples metabolism is faster than others, so they could be smoking right everyday for years and then stop for 14 days and be clean again. It all depends on wieght, hieght and metabolism and the frequency of you smoking. So if you somked one time with one hit after being clean for 3-4 months then I don't see it staying in your system for anymore then 5 days. So I do believe he is right on with the 3-4 days. If that.


Ursus marijanus
But to unpack a bit, the 11-carboxylic acid at the bottom right is that for which they test. THC is very quickly metabolized, but that acid, which can only have come from ingested/inhaled Cannabis, is a unique and persistent marker with a ~eight-day half-life. cn


Well-Known Member
Why you hassling me? Everyone at my local bball court/pool hall is toking and I aint doing shit. Being a good boy. Oh yeah, that's what's throwing the tests off..............................


New Member
I promise you he isn't. Kief isn't bud. Plus he could be tested tomorrow for all he knows. He's going going, back back, to jail jail.
Your right Kief isn't bud it's more potent then regular bud but at the same time if he really only had one hit he has nothing to worrie about. You guys are really falling in the stupid stereotypical 30 - 3 months drug test garbage.


Ursus marijanus
Your right Kief isn't bud it's more potent then regular bud but at the same time if he really only had one hit he has nothing to worrie about. You guys are really falling in the stupid stereotypical 30 - 3 months drug test garbage.
"One hit" isn't a useful measure. I can take one hit and be out of commission for three hours. I'll bet real money that one hit would be detectable for a coupla weeks.

I am not trying to bring Mayne down; please know that. But those drug test duration numbers are real. cn