What is your favorite drug of all time?


New Member
I've been doing some long thinking. And I came to a realization that marijuana isn't my favorite drug. I mean don't get my wrong I smoke weed everysingle day up to 7 times a day mostly but if theirs one thing I like more than weed that I would do all day long if I could it would be Rx Pain Killers.
I would choose an Opiate high over anything in the world but I know I can't be doing Opiates like that or I would become addicted, so I tend to only expirement with it on a occasional basis. (Maybe 2-3 a month max if that).
So out of all the drugs in the world from Nicotine to PCP what is it? Hallucinogens count too.


New Member
What is ur drug of choice and best drug combo are 2 different things. You could have a awesome combo and still have a drug you would peffer more than that combo.


Well-Known Member
I've stuck inside for the past 3 days sick... excuse my inner troll.

But MDMA... that 84% shit is just something else. Not even speedy, it's like a sedative.


Well-Known Member
Kervork..elaborate..I'm just curious..never heard of that..heard of pluggin but what drug is that?..I feel like I'm setting myself up for insults..lol


Well-Known Member
Kervork..elaborate..I'm just curious..never heard of that..heard of pluggin but what drug is that?..I feel like I'm setting myself up for insults..lol
That would be pharmahausca. You don't. We'd the MAOI with rectal DMT, I imagine it would be pretty intense.