URGENT Please tell me what you think?


Active Member
In MY OPINION, you have a slim chance. I have only ever failed 1 UI. I was clean 2 weeks. I did the whole, tons of water, B12, creatine suppliment. It was sent to a lab, I failed and didnt get the job. It didn't matter because I had a job and was just looking for a new one. You however are gambling with your freedom. Next time just don't smoke if you are going to question it like you are now.


Well-Known Member
People should really use the quote function. I really like knowing when an insult is directed at me. Otherwise, how am I supposed to feel insulted and less whole?


Well-Known Member
Your deff of a troll is pathetic. You have full blown down syndrome.
What's that noise in the distance?

Thor's hammer?

It's BAN Hammer!

You realize you can't just sit here insulting respected members (don't worry, I'm not referring to myself in that collective.) You call people names and insult them, when you asked for advice, because you are too soft, weak, and unintelligent to for reasonable conclusions, or to make intelligent decisions. You're the guy that would eat the candy bar on his rack, the first day in a new prison, and wonder, a month later, why he was being passed around like a joint.