22 month old hitting the refer...


Well-Known Member
vid was sent anon to the PD.

ANON... Thank you

I know I posed my DD with an EMPTY beer bottle ages ago (17).. I mean it was EMPTY and washed out.. and a staged pic.. but seriously.. wth

and another report today of a young baby with booze+drugs taken to the emergency room



Well-Known Member
yeah sorry I assume one forum speak translates to another? DD= dear daughter.. DS dear SON DW (damn wifey) unless she reads this ... then it's DAMN WIFEY!


Well-Known Member
I hope she gets the chair. She's probably a member at GC. The police used the video tags from her cell to figure out who she is,..... anyone want to tell me how that's not possible?


Well-Known Member
Talking out my ass, really. I don't know enough about the tech of it, but am pretty sure I have read it possible.


Well-Known Member
xifs/meta data. Videos have it, some embed, some as tags/properties. Same as pics: time, date, length, camera, version, gps (if enabled/available). Especially if the camera is a "smart device." Also, youtube logs your upload location when you upload videos. Google logs everything, so does Mac, as well as facebook, flickr, etc., etc.

Strip your pics and vids of tags and extra properties. Thankfully, this stupid cunt didn't do that. Rumor has it that women with crimes against kids (even getting a kid high) have it worse than men with sex crimes, in the joint. That makes me smile.


Well-Known Member
This pisses me off. I'm a parent, and I have a legal medical marijuana garden in my house. People like this dumb ass in the video give the rest of us a bad rap. I refuse to make marijuana out to be some evil drug to my children, but at the same time I am a responsible parent and keep everything under lock and key and would never dream of getting one of my kids high.

This chick needs her head examined.


Active Member
I guess once someone has no respect for parenthood or their children, it becomes less surprising that they also have no respect for marijuana or weapons. What a useless excuse of a human being.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
maybe they should just take her kids away, death penalty is a bit harsh, i've seen my baby relatives get the tips of their cocks cut off in public and liquored up in the process, then have a grown man fellate him to get rid of the excess blood, and nobody is asking for rabbi's to be killed.


New Member
I hope this effects legalizing. This proves that not every American can handle legalization. Should we all suffer for some? That's what our life is.