Here's a crazy idea...


So i'm having this weird mental conflict... I'm still really interested in growing and in learning to grow this wonderful and for some reason illegal plant.... And my wife is fine with it as long as i keep things covert...


We just found out she's pregnant (WOOHOO! we've been trying for a few months) and i can't help but wonder... is trying to learn this right now the best idea i've had.. particularly with the amount of company i can expect staying at my house in about 8 months...

So I had a crazy thought.... is there a plant one could practice with? Let's say i bust my ass and keep learning and i manage to grow some beautiful tomatoes in a closet... everyone will realize what this act is equivilent to as far as plant choice... but i'm a kooky kind of guy that might just decide he's interested in something and try growing tomatoes in a closet... lol

So what do you folks think? Is this a valid way to learn the craft in a legal way? (not to mention being able to bring pictures to local hydro store with questions) If you like it... do you think tomato is the best plant to match what marijuana would require?


Well-Known Member
Probably isn't the best idea unless you have an area where you and only you have access to without raising suspicion. It would make more sense to grow exotic peppers in your closet.


New Member
Its just weed....don't let society convince u ur a criminal....fuck em....yeah its illegal blah blah blah...u can't b scared ur whole life...weed doesn't carry that much jail time.


Well-Known Member
Not with a baby on the way man. Try outdoors if anything. You wouldn't want to see both of your angels carried off on your account would you?
How in the hell would that be a better idea? Indoor you and whoever you tell knows about your grow. Outdoor, you and whoever sees or smells your grow knows about it. Maybe I'm missing your point but the latter seems like a terrible idea if he's in a non legal state.


Well-Known Member
start an outdoor garden, just learn how plants grow and maybe if your good grow a littlle bit of naturally grown food thats not laced with nasty pesticides.

The knowledge you gain from this will be invaluable for intensive indoor growing.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
How in the hell would that be a better idea? Indoor you and whoever you tell knows about your grow. Outdoor, you and whoever sees or smells your grow knows about it. Maybe I'm missing your point but the latter seems like a terrible idea if he's in a non legal state.
No brotha i meant try the tomatoes outside.


New Member
No but he'll miss 18 years of family time with his child
For growing a clue plants in his closet....???...I doubt it....idk I'm the wrong one to talk to I outlook on life and the laws set in place by the fools who run the show differs from most.....I'll stay outta this one.....edit couple plants in closet meant to say....its not that serious guys...really its not.


Well-Known Member
For growing a clue plants in his closet....???...I doubt it....idk I'm the wrong one to talk to I outlook on life and the laws set in place by the fools who run the show differs from most.....I'll stay outta this one.
Yep, the way I see it. If he can have a spot in his house where him and his wife are the only ones who know. He takes the proper precautions like carbon filter, sealed room/grow tent so no light leaks and not a ton of power usage. How could shit go wrong? People usually dig their own graves when it comes to getting busted. Either from being careless with keeping it hidden or having lose lips.

My computer draws more power than my grow.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
For growing a clue plants in his closet....???...I doubt it....idk I'm the wrong one to talk to I outlook on life and the laws set in place by the fools who run the show differs from most.....I'll stay outta this one.
I couldnt agree more with you how the system is ran. If it was just him i'd tell him to risk anything he feels safe. But, if the cops busted my place down and hauled my wife off to get questioned and my child to foster care, I'd never live with myself. Trust me, no one wants this legal more than myself.


New Member
I have a very long intimate relationship w me stupid but I'll stand by it to the death...fight for it...risk freedom for it....that's how strongly I feel about my weed....I can't b happy with out it....I have to have it.