Need help with everything

Hi, so i'm completely new to this, i've done some research but there's only so much the books can teach you, pretty much i'm gonna be doing it outside in the east of england, has anyone done this before and found a really good strain that goes with the weather? also how do i know when too do 12/12 on it (bin bag over the top im thinking?) when and what do i feed it? how often do i water it? im really a newbie, thanks!:lol:
Why would you put a bin over it.....? its called mother nature, plant at the begining of a season and it finishes at the end......I dont think you read much of anything lol you COULD do the bin thing to force flower it but IMO that is pointless, just get an early finishing strain.
everything ive read people say that if they 12/12 it outside they put a bin bag over it to stop the light, but really? i should just leave them and not 12/12 at all? ive got a few strains in mind but just wandered if anyone had a few reccomendations, as for water/feed, nuts etc, that i haven't read much up on no, i was wandering if people could help...
Hi, so i'm completely new to this, i've done some research but there's only so much the books can teach you, pretty much i'm gonna be doing it outside in the east of england, has anyone done this before and found a really good strain that goes with the weather? also how do i know when too do 12/12 on it (bin bag over the top im thinking?) when and what do i feed it? how often do i water it? im really a newbie, thanks!:lol:

Alrighty.. few things: Your goals.. do you want personal smoke for you and you only, and do you only smoke a very little bit? Do you want a few ounces to make sure you have smoke throughout the whole grow and to cover you until the next is done? What type of pH does the soil you're wanting to use check in at? Have you researched when a good time to put things in the ground is for your area? There are 100s and 100s of UK growers on the RIU forums here, and you may wish to consult with them as I am sure there's more than a few guerilla growers that would have first-hand knowledge of your area, what strains would fit into the timeframe you have to work with, and various other things that are critical to success. This is just the beginning, and there's plenty of 'outdoor security' things to cover as well.
Thank you figong, the only one with constructive information, but yes, i'm doing it for me and only me, i want around 2-3 ounces and i've looked at autoflowering strains however i've heard that you get a smaller yield off them but obviously in a shorter time span, could i just plant quite a few of them and still get the same amount of a normal sativa/indica? But i think i'll be putting them in a pot and not the natural ground, i'll be looking at sizes soon, as for security, i think i've got that sorted, i just want to know some good strains for my area, and just general knowledge about when/what to feed it, and when to water
everything ive read people say that if they 12/12 it outside they put a bin bag over it to stop the light, but really? i should just leave them and not 12/12 at all? ive got a few strains in mind but just wandered if anyone had a few reccomendations, as for water/feed, nuts etc, that i haven't read much up on no, i was wandering if people could help...

Use the natural light cycles that exist.. do not try to modify the light that mother nature provides.. it's why earlier in the year the plant goes veg, and as it tapers off to more of a natural 12/12.. the flowering is induced as it gets closer to end of season - then you get harvest/trim/dry/cure/smoke

Edit: Which is a bit different with auto, as you dont want to force the auto to flower earlier, or try. It won't truly flower until it's sexually mature enough to do so.
Thank you figong, the only one with constructive information, but yes, i'm doing it for me and only me, i want around 2-3 ounces and i've looked at autoflowering strains however i've heard that you get a smaller yield off them but obviously in a shorter time span, could i just plant quite a few of them and still get the same amount of a normal sativa/indica? But i think i'll be putting them in a pot and not the natural ground, i'll be looking at sizes soon, as for security, i think i've got that sorted, i just want to know some good strains for my area, and just general knowledge about when/what to feed it, and when to water

Would definitely give lowryder or lowryder 2 a shot for autoflower for your area, and yes.. they will definitely be faster so more could fill in the yield difference at that point. Water is based on size, and if it's not going to be completely covered/protected from rain.. you have to go a bit lighter with the water more often so it has a drink but doesn't get completely soaked on top of a normal drink with nutes in it. Nute schedule varies depending on the nutes you choose, whether it's veg or flower, and a few other variables. Pots with proper drainage are critical, dollar store pots will more than likely not cut it. As for soil in pots, please make sure you get a quality soil as well - Miracle Gro -can- work, but is not recommended for a first time grow without plenty of patience and understanding of how the soil itself works. pH'd water will make the difference as well, so a pH meter is required... concentrated lemon juice (a few ounces) is recommended to keep on hand, as is dolomite lime. (for your pH down and pH up respectively)
Is there anyway to find out the nute schedule and which nute/s is best for the strain? or just through trial and error? i've heard that around 6.5pH is the optimum pH for water, is this for soil as well?
I dont know much about nutes, but go for one which has the right NPK% for growing marijuana. You should water, water, water, then feed, and no not all at once, every couple days. Optimum soil ph for growing marijuana is 6.5 - 6.8.
Is there anyway to find out the nute schedule and which nute/s is best for the strain? or just through trial and error? i've heard that around 6.5pH is the optimum pH for water, is this for soil as well?

the optimal soil pH needs to be equal to whatever water pH you have, with the nute pH factored (assuming there's anything that shifts pH in it)

2 types of pH possible: soil grow, and hydro grow - for an outdoor grow, you'd use the soil one.


As for nutes, there may be some tinkering required based on what the strain demands, and depending on which you pick.. there's more than likely a few on RIU who have grown it and can provide further guidance than I may be able to as I don't grow auto cultivar in any fashion.
I dont know much about nutes, but go for one which has the right NPK% for growing marijuana. You should water, water, water, then feed, and no not all at once, every couple days. Optimum soil ph for growing marijuana is 6.5 - 6.8.

I would adjust that pH just a bit personally, am not saying that my answer is the only correct one.. but I'd aim a tad low at 6.4, and let it slowly float up to 6.6 so you don't lose the Fe due to lockout... Iron deficiency would produce necrotic spots and chlorosis, amongst other things that could be potentially misdiagnosed as something different.
So are you saying i'd need to measure the pH of the nutes i'm using? I probably read it wrong, but if that was right, how would i be able to adjust the pH of the nutes etc :/? sorry for being such a newbie:wall:
if your going to do it outside plant around 4/20 and you probably want to start it inside for a few weeks before putting it out if possible or you can go direct seed. just get it started then after it looks established drop some time release ferts on it and just keep a check on it every now and then for water if you have dry spells. depending ont he strain it could be ready anywhere from august-november. id check and try to get a strain that finishes earlier if your worried about frost. i believe autoflowers do not produce as well outside compared to inside but im not positive because i havent grown them outside just going by what others say.
So are you saying i'd need to measure the pH of the nutes i'm using? I probably read it wrong, but if that was right, how would i be able to adjust the pH of the nutes etc :/? sorry for being such a newbie:wall:

Completely misworded what I was trying to convey, that's my bad. Will put this into a math formula for you:

End goal = ((soil Ph + (nutes + the pH of the water)) /2 ).. so you'd mix the nutes and the water, check the pH.. check the soil.. work out the math so the end result is proper per pH scale. adjust with pH up/down as appropriate.. then feed (assuming it's a feed day, not just water day)
So are you saying i'd need to measure the pH of the nutes i'm using? I probably read it wrong, but if that was right, how would i be able to adjust the pH of the nutes etc :/? sorry for being such a newbie:wall:

you add your nuts to water then check the ph then use Ph up or Ph down to raise or lower the ph of the water. you can buy that stuff at hydro stores or online.
Ahhh alright yeah i get you now, how much on average do you feed/water it? as in, amount, and for feeding, how many times a week lets say?
Ahhh alright yeah i get you now, how much on average do you feed/water it? as in, amount, and for feeding, how many times a week lets say?

This is easiest measured outside by a soil moisture meter, until you can learn to read the top of the soil and take an approximate guess as to how wet it is beneath the surface... that said, you want to go light and water only for the first few until it's developed more of a root system.. then you'd go 1/4 strength nutes.. working toward 1/2 or until you find the 'sweet spot' for your strain. Highly recommend you go water / water / water /nutes for the 1/4 for a little bit, then shift it to water / water / nutes as it's growing and you see that the plant definitely needs more N, P, K or all three of them.
i recommend you dont do it at all you obviously havent read much theres a reason why you can only plant outside at certain times of the year when days get shorter (12/12) wherever you read that you put a binbag over is bull...thanks for the laugh though aint laughed like that in a while