Club 600


Well-Known Member
I got with a chick when I was 19, and she was 16. My friend later told me that her mom got some dude in a lot of trouble for being older or some shit... Don't tell me that after the fucking fact!
Once got accused of rape.. Boyfriend finds out and then its rape.. Shiiiz Good fight though :D 1on1 with a good crowd. Ah the teenage years ;)


Well-Known Member
Im too old to be fighting anymore either.
I have better things to do with my aggression, like use it as a excuse to smoke.bongsmilie:eyesmoke: and then be chill again


Well-Known Member
man if i get into a fight now i lose my freakin job......thats why i dont go out.......i get that temptation and i gotta grow outta that.
A fight these days is just to crazy.. Never 1on1 more like 5on1. I like to stay home to, cause i cant back down. And i dont like knives-wich is often used in the night life :/


Well-Known Member
A fight these days is just to crazy.. Never 1on1 more like 5on1. I like to stay home to, cause i cant back down. And i dont like knives-wich is often used in the night life :/
in HS all the guys wanted to jump me.
I was jumped in the bathroom wile taking a piss, once in the wrestling room and they were hitting me with tackling dummies etc...


Well-Known Member
Im too old to be fighting anymore either.
I have better things to do with my aggression, like use it as a excuse to smoke.bongsmilie:eyesmoke: and then be chill again
Exactly !!! If it wasnt for the smoke i might even be a "gangbanger!! Wouldnt have this family living.. Scary to think about..


Well-Known Member
Exactly !!! If it wasnt for the smoke i might even be a "gangbanger!! Wouldnt have this family living.. Scary to think about..
twas a miracle the day when my girl and I fought over the phone once and I went for a blunt instead of a 40.
Game changer for sure!


Well-Known Member
I don't know who is a member of NORML but I was just reading this weeks news letter and they have a new proposed house resolution in congress. IT"S THE END OF FEDERAL MARIJUANA PROHIBITION ACT OF 2013 HR499. There's 11 other cosponsers on the bill. It's for the states to make up their own mj laws and regulations. Just a hope and a prayer for us in nonmed states, hell with it the whole country!!!! I'd post the link but am far from computer savy. It should be easy to find on the norml website. They have a prewritten letter to send to your politicians about it.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know this fool? Telling me I can't post pics of my GSC on GSC threads because my Bag Seed is Bull$hit. Tried messaging the fool it won't let me. Don't want to cause a problem with anyone. Just on this site to share the love. I know where my s33d came from thats what it is. I have heard GSC puts out s33ds here and there. This is what he posted last night on my Visitor Messages.

stak - 03-16-2013 02:43 AM - permalink View Conversation Report
quit spamming all the gsc threads with your irrelevent bagseed bullshit. nobody cares!​
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Well-Known Member
jhod, fuck that loser. who cares anyways GSC is great but so is every other strain, i just love when up tight self righteous assholes think they need to discredit people because they have "the cut". its like debating who has real durban, i could go for days but why??? who th fuck cares, like you said its about spreading love not hate


Well-Known Member
Anyone know this fool? Telling me I can't post pics of my GSC on GSC threads because my Bag Seed is Bull$hit. Tried messaging the fool it won't let me. Don't want to cause a problem with anyone. Just on this site to share the love. I know where my s33d came from thats what it is. I have heard GSC puts out s33ds here and there. This is what he posted last night on my Visitor Messages.

stak - 03-16-2013 02:43 AM - permalink View Conversation Report
quit spamming all the gsc threads with your irrelevent bagseed bullshit. nobody cares!​

i believe you are a lover of the GSC, and he is a hater.. simple...


Well-Known Member
When you check that little girl, stak's, posting history, all you see is spite and self-loathing.
She's not worth anyone's time, and she knows it, so she blathers on and spreads her bad vibes everywhere she can in the futile hope that it will make others feel as bad as she does.
Sorry you got even a taste of her bile, jhod.
Hopefully she will grow up and mature into a worthwhile Human Being, but it's quite doubtful.
Chicken chokers is as chicken chokers does.