Need help identifying this problem


Hello Guys,

Its a seed and its under 1Floros 18W(Lúmen: 1145).

She was already like this 1 week ago, so i started to feed her last week hoping the problem would go away. Unfortunaly it doesnt seem like going.

It seems her growth is stunt.

Could it be lack of light?



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hello Guys,

Its a seed and its under 1Floros 18W(Lúmen: 1145).

She was already like this 1 week ago, so i started to feed her last week hoping the problem would go away. Unfortunaly it doesnt seem like going.

It seems her growth is stunt.

Could it be lack of light?

It sure looks like over watering. So if you are allowing for dry out between watering then why does your seedling look like that? Over watering creates suffocation and that is how your plant looks to me. So why does your plant look like it's suffocating? What is the mix it's roots are in? Cannabis prefers a very light soil or soiless mixture.

I run Sunshine Mix #4 Advanced and highly recommend it as a hydro substrate. Maybe your plant needs some perlite added to lighten the mix up to breathe? Anyway good luck with your grow. OH and in the interest of full disclosure I am very much a newbie grower. So I'm sure the more experienced will be around soon.


Active Member
It cant be. last water was on the 13th.
I love this, its classic internet forum behaviour. Someone is unsure of themself and asks for help, good information is provided, and all of the sudden, the one that doesn't know the answer tells the other he is wrong. What was left out of his post was it’s a nitrogen deficiency do to the fact of overwatering. Dates don’t mean squat, soil moisture, root system mass, and what the plant wants and needs tell you when to water. I have seen soil bone dry like powdered dust still go 2 days before they liked to be watered. You soil looks dark and compact, good luck with your grow; you’re going to need it with that attitude.

carlo kro

Well-Known Member
allow the soil to dry out. watch a few vids on youtube on knowing when to water.

those who don't listen must feel.


I love this, its classic internet forum behaviour. Someone is unsure of them self and asks for help, good information is provided, and all of the sudden, the one that does know the answer tells the other he is wrong. What was left out of his post was it’s a nitrogen deficiency do to the fact of overwatering. Dates don’t mean squat, soil moisture, root system mass, and what the plant wants and needs tell you when to water. I have seen soil bone dry like powdered dust still go 2 days before they liked to be watered. You soil looks dark and compact, good luck with your grow; you’re going to need it with that attitude.
Thanks for the help and for the trying not to be noob/listen to other people thing, but its not overwatering, its poor soil drainage. Thats why the soil looks like that.

I´ve research the soil i use and looks like its know for is poor drainage. Some perlite will do the trick.



Well-Known Member
Poor soil drainage isnt a problem unless you water it so it is overwatering, less backchat and more listening bro. Also the shitty soil has no nutes in it and the ph is out also , next time get some good soil ,perlite like you said (30%).

It cant be.
but its not overwatering


Active Member
You soil looks compact.
but its not overwatering, its poor soil drainage.
Hey bro I love to argue, so you and I will get along just fine. Let me say it again
I love this, its classic internet forum behaviour. Someone is unsure of themselves and asks for help, good information is provided, and all of the sudden, the one that doesn't know SHIT tells the other he is wrong.
Overwatering, compact soil, no perlite, poor soil drainage, they all go hand and hand, but you know that now with your research, don't you?

I don't blame you for not taking the first bit of advice that someone throws your way on the internet, but just take it in with a grain of salt instead of arguing or flat out you’re wrong.
Poor soil drainage isn’t a problem unless you water it so it is overwatering, less backchat and more listening bro.
Thanks BUDs those are the words I left out of my post, I thought “brother your wrong” could read between the lines but I guess rereading from the second post, it’s quite obvious he can’t.