i need help


Well-Known Member
my plant seems to be really small any sugg? i think it is about 6 weeks old. im not using any nutes. just water and sunlight. i found it as a seedling in my front yard. i dug it up and put it in a styrofoam cup and replanted it. i would appreiciate ne suggestions


Active Member
i have a seriouse problem my plant is in its 20th day of fowering and its growth is stunted and the main stem is turning a dark purple and what even more scary is that the top bud's and leaves are also turning a dark purple. i tried epsom salts and warm water but its not getting any better and now the leaves are turning a rusty orange around the tips. how do i get rid of the purple, its not part of the strain.


Well-Known Member
my plant seems to be really small any sugg? i think it is about 6 weeks old. im not using any nutes. just water and sunlight. i found it as a seedling in my front yard. i dug it up and put it in a styrofoam cup and replanted it. i would appreiciate ne suggestions
It looks like its in pure sand or clay. That won't work out very well. It needs to be in soil... and it needs nutes.