Do I have a problem???


First post ever and first grow.

Ok My plant problem... or not?

1 White Widow in an Aerogarden from seed.

Finished week 5 of flowering. Everything seems to be moving along just fine except that the she's not drinking very much anymore. I used to have to feed two times a day, now down to just once a day. And now I'm getting a little crispness on the leaf tips but someone said that normal this late in the process. Other that than the plant looks very healthy and the buds are nice and crystal-ly

The nute solution hasn't changed since transitioning to flower. I'm using General Hydroponics performance kit. PH steady between 5.8 and 6. Do I have a problem? Thanks for anyone who might reply to my post. Have a good day.


Well-Known Member
First post ever and first grow.

Ok My plant problem... or not?

1 White Widow in an Aerogarden from seed.

Finished week 5 of flowering. Everything seems to be moving along just fine except that the she's not drinking very much anymore. I used to have to feed two times a day, now down to just once a day. And now I'm getting a little crispness on the leaf tips but someone said that normal this late in the process. Other that than the plant looks very healthy and the buds are nice and crystal-ly

The nute solution hasn't changed since transitioning to flower. I'm using General Hydroponics performance kit. PH steady between 5.8 and 6. Do I have a problem? Thanks for anyone who might reply to my post. Have a good day.
Pics would be nice, but how close are your lights, do you have brown spots on those leaves?


Active Member
Had the same strain ..I grew it in an Aerogarden as well... They will not drink much in the last 2 weeks....Its becoming mature, and will take nutes from fan leaves now (which you might notice are starting to turn yellow).. when they get older they do less work...which means they will take sources from the nearest point (fan leaves). Dont worry it is 100% normal.

(Have grown this strain MANY MANY times in Aerogarden)