I bet the dispensary dude on probation gets busted... he's a poser basically for lack of a better word. Being way too cocky trying to pull off the big time badass dealer role, when you can clearly tell he has no idea what the fuck he is doing and he's peacocking for the camera. Just showing up at some dude's house you don't even know to buy a few pounds of weed. Going on the mission in the first place with cops swarming his house. I understand he has to do his thing for money, but he is begging straight up challenging cops to come get him. You can bet he will get a well-deserved beating when the pigs do catch up with him. We will see how big those balls really are when he's in the prison showers with a frisky black hulk named molly.
The other guy that got ripped off making the CBDs for that kid is a douche too. And not that Jersey Shore haircut-like-a-funnel-cake kind of douche... more like that sissy ass fuck boy kind. It's great what he's doing, if he's really doing it for the kid and not in hopes of banging his mom. But he's like a little timid mouse pussyfootin around in his nancy ass SUV. Him and those brothers on American Weed too... it's like you have to be an annoying tool to be on a weed show for tv.
True, Shotwell is a douche. He's basically forcing himself back into the industry. You don't show up at someone's place,
demand weed, and then get pissed off when he says he has no idea what you're talking about. Never set up time, place, date.
Dude is trying to shine bright, and I admire his sand, but I believe he is gonna get busted at some point soon.
Nate Morris is just a weed nerd. I can see him in 20-30 years driving around in his nancy ass suv with a big DR RX sign over
top of a big pot leaf. He will be the first sanctioned Weed Dr. So far I can tell he is book smart, but what about people smart?
All in all, no one needs people like Shotwell. I have never had a problem getting rid of weed. I'm sure Mike Boutin, who
has been doing this for 35 years, has never had a problem either.