Need Help on Drying and Curing

Hey RIU! just have some questions on drying and curing, i need to get this right this time!

1) I need to have my buds somewhere totally DARK. in 18-24C (64-75F)?
2) Remove all FAN leaves, but sugar leaves are fine for now (before jarring)?
3) Dry as long as possible, 5+ days?
4) Dry until bud is dry on the outside but stem still has some bend to it?

1) Do the final trim on all the buds and remove from stem?
2) Set jars aside in the dark?
3) Wait 12-24 (until jar reaches 70%RH) for the FIRST time then burp?

I dont understand what to do next and what numbers im looking for after the first burp. I want to end up with some dank meds!


Active Member
Well when you first burn I'd normally give it 2-3days then after that once a day until your desired needs everything else looks good. Obtw you don't want the RH to high can cause bud mold.


Well-Known Member
I don't over-think these things. I cut all leaves at once to avoid slaving over the buds all day with shrivveld leaves (remember to leave a little cause they shrink)

I the box in a cold enough space so that it takes about a week to get dry enough for cure. You don't let it get warm and dry fast
as that ruins the taste and smell by not allowing the chlorophyll to decompose well enough.

I dry until the stem starts to snap when you bend it but doesn't
snap in half. My box is about 90-95% light proof so i'm not worried about that.

Your on track with curing but don't worry about a hydrometer for curing. The buds are perfect without that type of overthinking.


Active Member
My method,
1. hang entire plant (you can choose to remove usless fan leaves at this time which helps speed up the drying a wee bit) with fans blowing but not directly onto the plants and enough to gently swing them around a bit if they are hanging from a small string for example.
2. Dry until stems snap, not bend. but this can also depend if you have super dense or uber fluffy flowers your drying time could increase or decrease respectively. For me it's usually around 8-12 days @ 65F
3.Trim as much as you feel but not much into the nug unless you really feel the need to shape your nugs.
4. remove from stem and separate colas from smaller nug, and throw in jars lightly. Don't pack tight at all. Depending on how dense or fluffy I wait 5-10 days before the first burp. and I gently remove the nugs to make sure the get a good breather and then repack and close the lid for another week then open lid for a day and repeat the week closed day opened method until i feel it's safe to close it up for a month or longer. Keep in dark cool place the whole time.

I do it all by feel so i don't know what numbers to give you. I just know it varies depending on what type of nug you have.
Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
you might try these humidipacks on a small batch to see if they are all they hype i've been hearing... you just need a airtight container and a dark place... put the humidpack in the container and it will absorb the water, but only at a 62% humidity rate. perfect for curing cannabis... they try to get you on buying the container for it but the packs seem like a bargain if they really work.


Well-Known Member
you might try these humidipacks on a small batch to see if they are all they hype i've been hearing... you just need a airtight container and a dark place... put the humidpack in the container and it will absorb the water, but only at a 62% humidity rate. perfect for curing cannabis... they try to get you on buying the container for it but the packs seem like a bargain if they really work.
Heard about them on tokin daily.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Hey RIU! just have some questions on drying and curing, i need to get this right this time!

1) I need to have my buds somewhere totally DARK. in 18-24C (64-75F)?
2) Remove all FAN leaves, but sugar leaves are fine for now (before jarring)?
3) Dry as long as possible, 5+ days?
4) Dry until bud is dry on the outside but stem still has some bend to it?

1) Do the final trim on all the buds and remove from stem?
2) Set jars aside in the dark?
3) Wait 12-24 (until jar reaches 70%RH) for the FIRST time then burp?

I dont understand what to do next and what numbers im looking for after the first burp. I want to end up with some dank meds!
1.yes, totally dark is the best. 65-75 perfect. stay at or above 55%, max 70%RH.
2.I'd completely trim the buds before dry, if you harvest a lot at one time it's fine to just hang the remaining un-manicured buds a day or so until you can finish them.
3.yes. 5 days minimum. don't want the stem breaking when bent, but close. This you will have to get a feel for but most small-medium buds are dry in the conditions you state in 5-7 days, larger ones maybe 10 or before.

1.You should perform a single final trim before you dry, but if you feel the need to do a final trim before jarring do so. I tend to not trim trues that are caked with trichomes, or at least not fully. My patients and I don't mind leafy trichomes filled buds.
2.Yes, darkness is very important at this point, light is evil to buds now.
3.There are different ways here. Old way is just burp jars every 12 hours for a few days for 5-10 minutes, then once a day for 5 minutes for a few more days then once every 2-3 days after. After a month burping once a week is fine. All depends on how wet bud/stems were before jarring.
Newer way is to use mini hygrometer and monitor cure and burp when it get's near high 60s-70%RH.

Newest way for me is humidipaks. You can follow my thread linked below, I will post different cures when I can. I have an issue with being able to keep weed on hand because it's so dry everywhere and people want their weed now but I will be doing long-term cures soon. Take a peak.
Can I use a cool mist humidifier in the room when im drying to keep the humidity up?

Also should I have a fan inside the room and outside the room (circulating air from outside to inside), just one outside the room, or just one on the inside?

The room im dealing with really is not a room, its only 31" wide x 19" deep x 55" tall.

Sorry for all the questions! But thanks a lot for all the help everyone!


Active Member
Very cheap but effective way to raise your RH would be to have a bowl of water sitting or hang a wet towel on a hanger. Works well In smaller grows
I used to use that method but the reason I asked about the cool mist humidifier is because that it something I already have purchased for the grow


Well-Known Member
My method is I take them from growing plant to trimmed bud in 30 minutes or less. Anything I can't deal with immediately off the plant gets a pardon and another week to bulk up.
Its definately useful for veg. But if I shouldn't use that to raise the humidity how do you suggest I keep it high enough? Without the humidifier it was only at 10%-15% humidity.
Like i said i have tried the bowl method previously for raising humidity but it did not raise it enough. Only to like 20 maybe 25% sometimes.


Well-Known Member
So i have been wondering, everyone says store in mason jars. Any one tried using those tupperware plastic one? they are pretty air tight.


Well-Known Member
Can I use a cool mist humidifier in the room when im drying to keep the humidity up?

Also should I have a fan inside the room and outside the room (circulating air from outside to inside), just one outside the room, or just one on the inside?

The room im dealing with really is not a room, its only 31" wide x 19" deep x 55" tall

Sorry for all the questions! But thanks a lot for all the help everyone!
Dude you don't want your RH above 50% for drying, I don't want my RH about 50% ever, personally.

I prefer to grow my flowers in RH around 40%, and the same for drying.

I find it easier to go ahead and do a full wet trim. First, take your fan leaves (trash) off. Then, get a separate metal pan, and start trimming away as much sugar leaf as possible, without damaging your glands or flowers. Set this trim aside for hash making.

I always take the flowers off of the main stem immediately, leaving them on the stem prolongs drying by 3-4 days, and arguably doesn't allow for the chlorophyll to evaporate as quickly. Put them on a drying screen, where air is circulating around the entire bud, not just the tops of the buds.

It is always better to extensively dry herbs, in my experience. 14 days of drying gets me right where I want to be before I jar.

The most common problem people have with their herb is a "hay" or "grassy" smell, and this usually comes from jarring too early. Your flowers need to be CRISP before jarring!! Then, burped 15 minutes daily at RH of 50%.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
theres loads of stickies on here with people different methods you will find all you need to know on this site as it has all been asked 1000's of times a little reading will get you a long way
Dude you don't want your RH above 50% for drying, I don't want my RH about 50% ever, personally.

I prefer to grow my flowers in RH around 40%, and the same for drying.

I find it easier to go ahead and do a full wet trim. First, take your fan leaves (trash) off. Then, get a separate metal pan, and start trimming away as much sugar leaf as possible, without damaging your glands or flowers. Set this trim aside for hash making.

I always take the flowers off of the main stem immediately, leaving them on the stem prolongs drying by 3-4 days, and arguably doesn't allow for the chlorophyll to evaporate as quickly. Put them on a drying screen, where air is circulating around the entire bud, not just the tops of the buds.

It is always better to extensively dry herbs, in my experience. 14 days of drying gets me right where I want to be before I jar.

The most common problem people have with their herb is a "hay" or "grassy" smell, and this usually comes from jarring too early. Your flowers need to be CRISP before jarring!! Then, burped 15 minutes daily at RH of 50%.

I have not figured out what the exact humidity is supposed to be because everyone says something different. If you think I should keep it below 50%, I am still wondering how I can raise it to that humidity (say 40% like you said) without the help of my cool mist humidifier? The reason I purchase the humidifier is because without it the grow room I am using(31"x19"x55") so not very big but was only at 10% to 15% max.