male or female


Well-Known Member
i been so afraid to order anything like that online is it safe i would love to get some white widow feminized i just been paronoid to order lol see i have tulip shapes on 2 of my plants but no hairs out yet thats y its dang confusing
It is safe to order seeds online. Try Herbies or the Single Seed Center. If you want to pay more try Attitude.


Well-Known Member
Earlier I posted that if someone says that feminized seeds make "hermies" that you should not listen to them.
They are ignorant and do not know what they are talking about.

Hermaphroditism is a genetic trait that.most females have not.sure about males usually only breeders cultivate eem but fem seeds from a herm are more likely to herm . a true female will not herm at all because its.not in the genetics
Every female cannabis plant (XX chromosomes) has the ability to produce male flowers. It is a normal and natural survival mechanism.
If you take a female plant and trick it into producing male flowers, that does not make it a hermaphrodite. A real hermaphrodite will have an X and a Y chromosome.
Properly produced feminized seeds produce 100% female plants and no hermaphrodites.

No u dont know what im.talking about i read an article some dude conducted a study and most of.the females hermed when stressed with light fluctuations and some didnt herm the ones that didnt did not have the genetic trait.for hermaphroditism he called these true females nothing to do with.seeds man
Could you post a link? That doesn't sound right.

A true fem will not herm
You are partly correct.
Every female cannabis plant has the ability to produce male flowers. That does not make it a hermaphrodite.

Only chemically can you herm a true female
You are wrong. You can stress or trick any female plant into producing male flowers. It is a normal and natural survival mechanism.

Most people that have plants "hermie" on them is because they over feed.

Just do some research bro youll see its like 1/10000 are true fem
Link? Or are we just making stuff up?

It was an exaggerative figure cant remember exact ratio y u gotta be so smug and self righteous when ur completely wrong and u say all u say without checking up on it but i must be graced with the presence of the all knowing gardener please
You should do some research.

So ur saying that these plant.will.encounter these hormones in nature
Colloidal silver is not a hormone, do some research. Compounds like colloidal silver activate hormones already in the plant.

Female plants in "nature" can experience stress which will make them produce male flowers. It is a normal and natural survival mechanism.

Look up "rodelization." That is a way to make female plants with out any outside influence.

Go do some research.


it just sucks i have tried so hard and nothing yet all males i think i have another one 2 ill take a look in the morning and see some one told me today about super sexing can yall explain what that is plz


Well-Known Member
trouser i think he just makes the shit up as he he doesnt back shit up and when you make sense he reverts to a one sentence reply..ahh but what can you do about the idiots in the world besides pull all the warning labels off..

idk what super sexing is but im guessing they mean force flowering which is a no no if your a, in my own words, down to earth natural do shit right grower...on the other hand if you want to force sex your plants which is basically making them hit puberty early which also sets you back about two weeks since you now have to revert to vegging to finish growing your plant then by all means go for it lol..people do this to keep plant counts down and to be able to clone without waiting but really i dont see it as a benefit i can accomplish the same as they do in the same amount of time doing it right.
This is really nice and interesting question and the people have also very interesting replay for this. This all information really nice for me and I must share with you my experience because I don't know much about it, but according to my experience I must agree with all guys who think about the first is male. Because the first is looking male.


SANY0162.jpgSANY0161.jpg:bigjoint: im so happy i know this is a female wish i coulda got a better pic but you can see the pistil on it theres still room for error so ima treat it right i already messed up a bit imo i wanted to put her in a bigger pot shes in onley in a 3 gal i wanted a 5 but i still think shell be ok


This is really nice and interesting question and the people have also very interesting replay for this. This all information really nice for me and I must share with you my experience because I don't know much about it, but according to my experience I must agree with all guys who think about the first is male. Because the first is looking male.
i got rid of the male the other day i just got sighns of my first female today:lol:


Well-Known Member
watch it closely...sometimes weird growth like that will open up and turn out to just be leaves or something...but it does look like something id be concerned need to get rid of it if you start to see those everywhere or more than one at a spot, what you do is cut that off and take it to another room with a sink and open it up, smear it across your finger and see if you have yellow pollen on your finger or if its just some more green vegetation inside. if its pollen wash it off with soap immediately and kill the plant :(


Well-Known Member
in fact do that test before just watching closely lol...idk why i suggested that the thing is already big enough that id be worried a bit....but also since you dont have a flower room going the pollen that would fly if those popped would be dead before you would have to worry about it but if your boyfriends outdoor plants were flowering now and he got pollen all over him and went out to them his would get all pollinated lmao


ha ha thatwould be great all his would become pollinated i would lol at his ass i hope its onley new growth though but i got a for sure 1true girly though yay im happy bout that