Need advice on which way to go with 2 large unused bedrooms avail for growing


As luck would have it, I have 2 full upstairs bedrooms in which to grow. I have decided to go with DWC, so that's why I posted my questions here. I'm new to this forum, but I have been reading on and off for a couple of months. I've grown tired of reading so much...lots of advice in here, some of it conflicting...but I've sifted thru a lot and I'm ready to hopefully I can get a little better direction now.

Here is a description of the space available - I have an upstairs that has 2 large bedrooms (both are about 14' square), both with your standard bifold-door closets, so those spaces can be used as well. The best part is each room has it's own built in sink :lol:. The entire house is a/c, so each bedroom has a vent. Each room has a window so ventilation should be easy. Rooms are carpeted, otherwise completely empty. Now, just so it's clear, I have all space, including closets, available for use.

Experience - I myself have zero growing experience, but the person I'm doing this with has grown in soil in the past, but it was over 10 years ago.

Budget - $2000, but can be higher if needed...

Goal - Initially, to get good at this, but ultimately to grow a "regular" amount (i.e. SOG type setup where I can harvest as regularly as possible)...bottom line is I want to be able to grow as much as possible out of these spaces.

Can I get some advice based on the above criteria? Again, I'm wide open to suggestions, etc...Thanks in advance...


Well-Known Member
seems you're biting off a little more than you'll be able to chew if you're planning on outfitting 2-14by14 rooms with 2 grand. it may be a good idea to start small.


Well-Known Member
I have well over 10-12k in a 11x 10 room split into veg and flower. Lights alone for a single room that size is your budget. And you may be surprised about your ac


Sorry guys, I didn't mean to imply that I meant to initially outfit both rooms to the max, based on $2k...let me ask it this isn't an issue...I'm not forced to put it in a closet, or hide it from what to do to start small then?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I wish I had room to grow, no pun intended. Seems to me you could spend 2 grand on a good size "starter" grow and expand from there.


Well-Known Member
Good advice. I can tell you now that there is a shiitload of work involved in running, much less setting up, a grow room. My flower room is 6x10 and i get few nights off if i want to stay on track.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member

I am not the guy to ask, but I would think something like this size to start.

Lights is another big question.


Active Member
you should start with
some hoods (check out the blockbuster)
Ballasts (i went with galaxy)
a good fan (i went with vortex)
pick a nute recipe, and figure out how much you need to do a complete grow. some nutes are cheaper by the gallon, then they are by the quart. bigger up front cost, but you will save money in the end.
and then you going to need all your DWC knick knacks, air pumps, and containers.
eventually you need to figure out how you are going to do your odor control. if your going to vent your rooms, then maybe get a inline ozone generator. they have some now that dont use bulbs, and dont need maintenance, and last for maybe 10 years. it would be cheaper then buying carbon filters every year. but only if you dont plan to use co2. and u need to decide if your going to go HID for you veg. some prefer to use florescent tube lights.