First grow, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
I just returned a controller because it wouldn't work with my in-line (made a hum and almost zero adjustment) :( GH nutes get good reviews and any cool tube fixture should work fine if its quality made. Not much help from me, but there's some pros on here for sure. :)


Well-Known Member
alright thanks everyone, in the next couple of days I am going to get that inline fan and I am going to get that air cooled hood I linked earlier, there may be cheaper options on Amazon but that one is Prime eligible so that and the fan I will receive quickly. I might continue growing these 5 plants, or I might get some clones from this guy I met a half hour from me cause what I have learned is to have everything you need and make sure it is working properly before starting any grow.


Well-Known Member
Sweet as dude, keep us posted on how you go and good luck :)

At least you've learnt early on to have anything ready to go too, takes some people a while to work that one out ;)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Hi Smigular.

As a first time grower myself (I'm two thirds of the way through my first grow feel free to check out my journal) I know what you are going through.

I'll be stopping by from time to time to see how you’re doing.

You are in the right place.[/FONT]

alright thanks everyone, in the next couple of days I am going to get that inline fan and I am going to get that air cooled hood I linked earlier, there may be cheaper options on Amazon but that one is Prime eligible so that and the fan I will receive quickly. I might continue growing these 5 plants, or I might get some clones from this guy I met a half hour from me cause what I have learned is to have everything you need and make sure it is working properly before starting any grow.
[FONT=&quot]I don't know man, you are off to a good start you are a couple weeks from flipping them to flowering. I'd stick with your own produce.

You can’t be sure that produce from a next man's garden is disease free.

I'd stick to what you know.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
alright so I just bought this air cooled hood and this inline fan, supposed to be here Friday, once I get these set up I will turn the MH light back on and I decided I am going to continue with this grow. I just added a little bit of my nutes to my water, and I am going to keep my light cycle on 24/0 for a bit longer before I switch it to 12/12. I am also getting a humidifier because I want the humidity to at least 40%, right now it is 30-32%

Day 15
day 15 1.jpgday 15 2.jpg

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
alright so I just bought this air cooled hood and this inline fan, supposed to be here Friday, once I get these set up I will turn the MH light back on and I decided I am going to continue with this grow. I just added a little bit of my nutes to my water, and I am going to keep my light cycle on 24/0 for a bit longer before I switch it to 12/12. I am also getting a humidifier because I want the humidity to at least 40%, right now it is 30-32%

Day 15

You need to get it up to at least 40% and keep it there.

Don’t listen to those who say humidity doesn’t matter.

I found out it most certainly does, lol.

[FONT=&amp]You also need fans wafting the canopy at some point. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
alright so I just bought this air cooled hood and this inline fan, supposed to be here Friday, once I get these set up I will turn the MH light back on and I decided I am going to continue with this grow. I just added a little bit of my nutes to my water, and I am going to keep my light cycle on 24/0 for a bit longer before I switch it to 12/12. I am also getting a humidifier because I want the humidity to at least 40%, right now it is 30-32%

Day 15
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sweet man, sounds like you will be set once you get your fans etc :)

When you put the MH light back in, keep it about a foot on top of the canopy and have a fan blowing over the canopy. If you want moisture in the tent, try keeping a bowl of water in there and change it every 2 days so algae doesnt build up.

Good luck champ :D


Well-Known Member
thanks I got a humidifier and I want to get the humidity to at least 40%, max 45%. I already put a bowl of water in there, and the bottle of flourish excel came today so I am using that too. the hood and reflector can't come soon enough...

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Whoa!:shock: Dude, if you get a chance bury those stretchin stems ASAP! :) the sooner you do so, the sooner they will start to grow roots where they have stretched out! Once you bury them you can take the Popsicle sticks out, you want a constant flow of air across their heads to "strengthen" those little trunks up. Good work though bro, try and get those CFL as CLOSE as possible like 1-2 inches if they can take it. -S0uP

Edit. Regarding humidity... All too often I see grow tents with aircooled hoods AND humidifiers in them. Think about this, you just bought a fan thats gonna cycle air out of there every 1-5 min right? Just as you are removing heat from the environment because the heat source is inside the tent or room, you will at the same time be removing any significant source of humidity that is also Inside that same environment (You cant have it both ways). A far more effective remedy would be to find a way to raise the humidity in your lung room, just as if you were to raise the air temp of the space outside your tent or room it will in turn raise the ambient temp inside of it. Just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
thanks S0uP, the reflector I bought has a glass cover so I will only be removing the heat from the light not the tent.

also someone said they covered their inline fan with a sleeping bag cause it gets pretty loud, how exactly did you do that as I am growing in my closet (fairly large closet like 10' wide) which is right next to my bed so I will want to keep the noise down...


Well-Known Member
ok so I "buried" my plants, put a lot more soil in the cups and I will probably remove the popsicle sticks later today. the temperature is 75 and the humidity is at 43%. In regard to the CFL lights I should get my new hood and fan tomorrow so I can turn my HID back on, I have gotten the CFL lights as close as I can to the plants

Day 16
day 16.jpg


Well-Known Member
grown nivarna NL a few times, watch the stretch thats my advice.

awesome plant to grow, always goes down well

good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey Smigula, I've been doing further research into seachem flourish excel and I have decided I won't be using it any more as it contains gluteraldahyde which is an algaecide, fungicide and bactericide. I've been discussing with a mate who is a chemist and he advised to not use it any more as it can be extremely toxic to humans as well as some animals. I'll be having my finished product tested for any traces of gluteraldahyde once it is finished, I'm really hoping it doesn't leave traces in the buds!

Anyway, just wanted to pass on the info that I have found, up to you if you still want to use it :)

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nice thread, I like the '' taking each problem head on as it arises approach '' I'm a couple of grows a year guy myself and Nirvana Northern Lights was my first grow about ten years ago--- '' First cut is the deepest '' and Ive always had a soft spot ever since for this strain. It turned out OK for me although when I look back I done nothing different than sticking a plant under a light in the attic, and it yielded 3 ounces. You seem to be taking a more scientific approach and with attention to detail you should do well with this grow. Now, ten years later I'm growing Nirvana Northern lights again, just at the seedling stage, Good news for you, if you havnt figured it out for yourself is that NL can take a hell of a lot of abuse before it dies of neglect, once the plants get to be six inches high or thereabouts it would be possible to take the plants outside and have a game of football with the pots and it would still survive. Good luck with this one I'll keep an eye out in here and throw in the odd word of encouragement, although I suspect with the care you are showing here to detail it will turn out fine------------I'll try and find the strain report of mines that ended up on the old OVERGROW sites strainguide, you can still find it online--and post it for your perusal. In the meantime, happy trails and good luck.