
Well-Known Member
me and my 10 months 1 day older brother.... 31 days recoup time dad, REALLY??

going for a low grab...thank God I took Karate!

me and the fam at Peace Arch in WA/CA border

may sis and her hubby.. this was before his 2nd tumor removal surgery.... this guy is one of those who you meet.. and instantly let into the family+ he gave me a bunch of elk meat..



Well-Known Member
My sister... day she got married.. as a retired wedding photog... I missed each one of my siblings weddings.. Older bro I was best man.. had bronchiti's flu and who knows what else.. Sisters.. she lived in WA younger bro.. moved to OR.. missed his too..

I so wanted to be there for my sisters wedding.. but it was spend the $$ for the wedding which we would only be able to see them for a few hours or take a nice trip up there and spend a week+

Mom and Sis wedding day



Pickle Queen
As lovely as kids are posting pics of them on a weed forum seems very wrong, I wont delete any but ask people to think about who may see them... Please understand that teachers, other parents anyone can view these and heaven forbid something happens :(

Trust me after trapping a few pedo's and knowing what they planned to do I'd think twice.


Well-Known Member
Would like to eventually get another bike. Awesome feeling.8-)
even with my love of bikes, and a poster of jason britton doing that exact same thing on my wall. I will never attempt to do a stoppie, I would much prefer to have the other wheel off the ground, feels safer and a little more room to not fuck up :lol: if that's you +rep