Need diagnosis, 3 weeks, bagseed


Active Member
Soil: Expert Gardner
Watering: Every day, about a 1/2 cup to cup
Used nutes 1x but nute burned them as you can see.

They are turning yellow and seem sad to me. I transplanted them from the pot where they got the nuteburn to these bigger pots, they have been in them for 2 nights. What's going now?



#3 oldest

And WHAT is going on with my seedling? This is about 1 day old its leaves are being burnt off and it is about 6 in away from CFL?

setup --------------
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Active Member
Sorry I cant help you on this one but WOW I feel 4 you.
thanks :cry:

I gave them an 18 hour rest from light, so they were in the dark since last night, hoping it would let them recuperate and adjust to the new pots. Lights are back on now, germinated few more seeds as backup in case these go downhill.


Well-Known Member
Don't nute them anymore for like 2-3 weeks, after they get over the shock of the first burn, then i'm sure they'll be fine


Active Member
ok i won't, superthrive helped, stretched them and gave them color within hours. I'm just sad that they are so short for being close to a month old.