Purple OG, G13xWW, Chemdawg grow


Well-Known Member
We'll find out.. that's for sure. Here's a crash course illustration for future reference:



Well-Known Member
Yea yea lol. I got you! The tops pretty much drooping away and already in 12 hours it's got two tiny sprouts at the top going... Question though, can I fim a top? If so this girl is gonna get bushy! Didn't like that the Chemdawg wasn't real bushy on my current run, so I'm trying to change things a little for the next. You've been a great help man. You're going to be on my award shoutouts! :clap:

Edit: I can't think of any reason I can't fim a top. Kind of thinking that was a dumb question.


Well-Known Member
Yes, just be careful with it.. and give it a few days to recover from any potential shock it may have received.. if it's appearing to be growing away just fine.. proceed when you believe you're ready bro :D


Well-Known Member
Yellowing problem is back and it came on quick! In about 36 hours 2 huge fan leaves on my Chemdawg and WW turned about 50% yellow. Getting some epsom salt on my way home from work tomorrow. Pretty sure I've got a serious mg deficiency going on.
Edit: May have been a little more than 36 hours. I noticed a little onset a few days ago and just kind of forgot about it


Well-Known Member
It did seem to halt after that flush last time, but there's no way a 1/2 dose at a time of 10-30-20 could be causing a lockout right? Just doesn't seem to me like a 1/2 dose of 30 p could lockout the mg


Well-Known Member
It did seem to halt after that flush last time, but there's no way a 1/2 dose at a time of 10-30-20 could be causing a lockout right? Just doesn't seem to me like a 1/2 dose of 30 p could lockout the mg
Nope, P-tox locks out / interferes with the availability and the stability of copper and zinc.. that's it - nothing related to cal/mag at all that I'm aware of.


Well-Known Member
I've tried searching more on this and can't find much. One person said when the hairs recess to start checking regularly. Would that be an accurate statement?
I to have herd and read in my time that once the hairs recess back into the calyx that this is when to really pay close attention to the trichs. This is what I myself do once my females are close to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I to have herd and read in my time that once the hairs recess back into the calyx that this is when to really pay close attention to the trichs. This is what I myself do once my females are close to harvest.
Oh, it's accurate.. but wouldn't bet just on 1 factor incase the plant genetics stall/delay it.. and you get surprise colors overnight as a result is all :D


Well-Known Member
Looking great bro :) man i think i might epsom salt mine or sumn just cause idk :( its to late on that bigger one i believe :) did you get your def figured out bro put some pics up :) i might take some later im ashamed of one of em tho


Well-Known Member
Guy who helps me out at the garden center hooked me up with some free magical for the two little plants. Also added a little N supp to the POGK. Hopefully this stops these different yellowings. The Purple OG is getting so damn heavy up top the branches are leaning. Tied the main stalk today to make sure it doesn't get too much weight on it. May have to do some of the side branches as well.



Well-Known Member
Looking great bro :) man i think i might epsom salt mine or sumn just cause idk :( its to late on that bigger one i believe :) did you get your def figured out bro put some pics up :) i might take some later im ashamed of one of em tho
Are you growing any out that I sent ya bro?? Hadn't seen any pics, if so.. :( I gotta see that plant porn!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Guy who helps me out at the garden center hooked me up with some free magical for the two little plants. Also added a little N supp to the POGK. Hopefully this stops these different yellowings. The Purple OG is getting so damn heavy up top the branches are leaning. Tied the main stalk today to make sure it doesn't get too much weight on it. May have to do some of the side branches as well.
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They look good 2 me bro.. I have had, and do have some yellowing during flowering like that on the ones pictured. Except I don't think I had that many yellowing but a few, and that is normal, I tried to refrain fron having to add (N) nitrogen, because I didn't want the plant to end up focussing on leaf production insted of bud production. So when mine do this during flowering I try to let it ride. If its like yours, I add just a small touch of some (N) not much, just enough to bring the color back without loosing all the suckers, and I may add a tad of sensi-cal(bloom) at this time also.


Well-Known Member
Are you growing any out that I sent ya bro?? Hadn't seen any pics, if so.. :( I gotta see that plant porn!! Lol
Still haven't sent you my address cause I keep hitting holes in the road and still can't afford to get a damn p.o. box. Should be soon though as we both have jobs now... Had to start my own business to get one here, but already up to 5 clients in 1 week amounting to over $3,000 in work! Things are looking up!


Well-Known Member
They look good 2 me bro.. I have had, and do have some yellowing during flowering like that on the ones pictured. Except I don't think I had that many yellowing but a few, and that is normal, I tried to refrain fron having to add (N) nitrogen, because I didn't want the plant to end up focussing on leaf production insted of bud production. So when mine do this during flowering I try to let it ride. If its like yours, I add just a small touch of some (N) not much, just enough to bring the color back without loosing all the suckers, and I may add a tad of sensi-cal(bloom) at this time also.
That Magical he hooked me up with has a 2-0-0 npk so I'm just adding that with my regular nutes and a little broken down coffee grounds to the feeding. Seems like it's slowing it down.

Wish I would have jumped on my Mg problem earlier. I really feel it has had an affect on my bud sizes for the Chemdawg and WW g13. Now that I know they are hogs for it, next run I should be able to make those clones turn into beasts!

I started flowering on 2/16. You think the buds on the POGK will get so much bigger by finish I need to support all my branches? The main stem was getting weighed down pretty heavy even though it's as big around as a quarter or more and the side ones are leaning around 3 inches from what they were before bud production.


Well-Known Member
Lights just came on and GOOD NEWS! Looks like the Magical helped the ones suffering from the deficiency. They have sprouted some white hairs off the buds so it seems the buds are back to growing


Well-Known Member
Since I'll have a larger indoor area for all the clones I have going (buying a tent), I'm going to be using the plants I harvest in about 30 days as revegs. I'm going to put them back under 20/4 indoors for a week or two until the get some true veg growth then putting them in buckets in the trees. No sense in just harvesting and throwing out a perfectly good rooted plant when i can reuse it imo. Going to start getting the supersoil recipe (thanks Dank!) made up this weekend.

Anyone ever tried this? I've seen some pretty good results on several threads.


Well-Known Member
I just love free shit! Was at publix grabbing some munchies and decided to see if they had an icing bucket or two they were throwing out... And they had 4 3.5 gals =D Guess I won't need to buy more pots next round! Gonna email a bunch of nute companies tomorrow to see about some freebies as well. Meant to do it weeks ago, but forgot
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Well-Known Member
Got a free bottle of Floralicious Plus by GH from my hydro buddy at the garden center yesterday. Gave them a full dose of that, nutes, and magical yesterday evening. Noticed more trichs on the POGK and Houston, we have foxtails! Did get a few ever so slightly burnt tips from all the extras and heavy feeding. The others are still very behind, but they have started to pack on some weight now. Hopefully they will still get me an o or 2 each, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would let you guys have a peep into the genius of the ghetto cloner lol. Yes that's an ice maker, random tupperware, and duct taped bottles, but I haven't lost any since getting rid of that stupid dome (which made me lose them all!). Also, a fun pick of the Easter basket my girl hooked me up with this morning =D