6-APB Order coming soon


Well-Known Member
if someone is that broke that they have to order it instead of mdma, maybe they should be reconsidering their life choices.
In all honesty, why wouldn't you want to get something for cheaper that gives you the same effect and is said to last longer?


Well-Known Member
MrEDuck, MDMA has been around for a lot longer period of time.
Look at it like this; I am becoming a test subject for you all, and if I die, you know not to take it. :wink: :lol:


Active Member
the same reason i don't buy cheap scotch...
apologies, I was a bit blunt.. I do get where you are coming from..
but these rc's do get me a bit wound up...

In all honesty, why wouldn't you want to get something for cheaper that gives you the same effect and is said to last longer?


Well-Known Member
the same reason i don't buy cheap scotch...
apologies, I was a bit blunt.. I do get where you are coming from..
but these rc's do get me a bit wound up...
Don't worry, the scotch is probably worse for you. although I am thoroughly enjoying this 18 y/o bottle of glenlivet.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Take it from me, don't do shit you do not know what is capable of and if you do start off with a much smaller dose than recommended just to be safe. I've OD'd on so much different shit not fun man. Never tried Fury but have heard of it, people say it's more like bathsalts? Anything that has to do with bathsalts or MDPV I stay far far away from. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, why wouldn't you want to get something for cheaper that gives you the same effect and is said to last longer?
Because established human safety data is worth a lot to me. I love that when MAPS was trying to get approval for human trials of MDMA they managed to use the research done to try to demonstrate it makes your brain leak out your ears as the phase 1 safety trials. Funny when things work out like that.


Well-Known Member
A lot of you are acting like I've never done drugs before. :lol: As I stated before; I am going to start off with half the pill and then redose from there. Thank you all for your concerns, but this isn't my first walk in the park. :wink:


Well-Known Member
In your own word 'if I die you know now not to take it'..people have died from mdma..I still. don't know not to take it :-)


Well-Known Member
And let me kno how it turns out cause I'm interested..not saying id ingest it,cause I wouldn't..especially with molly around :-)


Eoto was so sick last year at Electric Forest, probably my favorite show
Travis and Jason, well Jason, are long time friends. Them and their crew spent easter sunday at my place on the lake last year day after a set in charlotte.
They did kill that set, but they always do. Pumped for the upcoming forest, I DEMAND SOME MESCALINE THIS YEAR.


Well-Known Member
No way dude, you're very fortunate to know them. And yes, this years Forest is.going to be just as exciting as last


Well-Known Member
Damn they do look like rolls. The picture I looked up they looked more "pharmy." Small, shiny... Pellets haha.

I'll be waiting for the report back


Well-Known Member
Good pill presses are expensive man!
how much is supposed to be in those?
For the 6-apb im not sure. I cant tell you how much is the substance and how much is filler to keep the pill together. But they also sell the powder by itself, and I'm not positive it even needs a filler. I know back in 2010 you could only get benzo fury in 100mg pellets, but as you can see these are clearly over 300mg a piece. Hence the reason I'm starting out with half of a tab. :lol:

But yea, these are clean looking. almost like them good dolphins back in the day. These are also the size that ppl used to sell what they "called" triple stacks. I cant wait till tomorrow night. Should be fun.