3x1000 watt indoor medical grow


Active Member
I've havn't done any breeding yet. I just recently collected pollen from one of about 4 males I found from a recent seed run(2 of 2 different strains). I flowered the one that seemed to grow strongest and have best node spacing. I stuck it under my 1k for about 4-5 days until it had really started to make some pollen sacks, then moved it out of the room to some ambient 12/12 light near a window at the other end of my house. I rigged up a piece of cardboard nice and flat right under the branches and left it for about another week. Once the pollen fell I put it in an old pill bottle for now. Here in a few weeks I'm gonna "paint" some pollen onto a few of the girls I have going. I'm not sure if I'll ever use the seeds I'm gonna make, but thought it would be a fun project. I've always wanted to breed but until I have enough space to do it right I havn't been in any hurry. I have very little regard for all these pollen chuckers out there crossing whatever with whatever with no clue what they are doing and then trying to sell "their genetics". Just because these guys cross 2 elite cuts does not mean they will get anything even worth growing. Especially the first generation of F1s which typically has tons of pheno variation from what I"ve read on the subject. I hope it works out for ya though and you get atleast one decent pheno you can use.
Thats a good idea about throwing them under the hps for a few days and then moving them next to a window or something.
I think i'm going to do that. Thanks for the idea...

I'm not going to be crossing anything though.. Not for a long while...

My last grow I accidentally pollinated one of my females because I pulled out the male a couple of days too late.(Flowered the male just to make sure he was male)
I noticed which plant it had pollinated because you could see the difference in bud structure/quality.
I decided to let it flower for the fuck of it.
When I chopped it down I got a total of two seeds haha...
They were good seeds. Big, brown, with deep black tiger stripes.
I lost one seed cause I left it in a med bottle that I accidentally threw away.
I flowered the other one in January when I started this thread. I had to give it away, but it was a strong plant. I'm pretty sure it was female.

Im definitely not trying to sell my genetics, just want them for my own personal use.
I figured breeding would give me something new to learn and have fun with even though I know a enough to get by with.

subbed, at last, only just found you. your ladies sure are looking good bro.
I have some Belladonna and WW x BB from seed, started about the same time as yours dude coincidentally.
when do you plan on flipping them? sorry if i missed the answer, read first few pages, skipped to end and then read few more from the middle.
Thanks man!
Ill let you know in a couple of hours when I check on my plants and see if I can take 16 clones of about the same size.
If I can do that ill be flowering in about 14-21 days.

How are your plants doing? Feel free to post some pics if youd like and if you want ill give you my opinion.


Well-Known Member
subbed, at last, only just found you. your ladies sure are looking good bro.
I have some Belladonna and WW x BB from seed, started about the same time as yours dude coincidentally.
when do you plan on flipping them? sorry if i missed the answer, read first few pages, skipped to end and then read few more from the middle.
Ive grown both WW and Bigbud if thts what you have or Blueberry also.
Tht Bigbud was my go to strain for yield,Tht should make a great cross.
Can I ask why you would rather have seeds then cuts? Friedrice.....Im just the opposite give me good cuts,over seeds!!Alot faster doing perps and not having males and being able to really get to know the strain is priceless,IMO.


Active Member
Ive grown both WW and Bigbud if thts what you have or Blueberry also.
Tht Bigbud was my go to strain for yield,Tht should make a great cross.
Can I ask why you would rather have seeds then cuts? Friedrice.....Im just the opposite give me good cuts,over seeds!!Alot faster doing perps and not having males and being able to really get to know the strain is priceless,IMO.
I thought it was blackberry^.

Anyways, that is something that I have been debating in my head for a long time.
I am still on the fence about it.
Here are my thoughts though.

Clones taken at 7 inches, rooted, transplanted, vegged for three days, then flowered will put of about 1-1.4 ounces each.(At least with my strain)
That is without being topped.
Assuming you have already taken the 30 days to grow a good mother, this process would take about 2-3.5wks.(give or take a few days)

BUT, lets just say that, the 2-3.5wks doesn't matter, because between harvests your getting everything all ready.

It would take 16 7in clones to produce 1lbs/per light.

Now you figure you have about 3 feet of depth of quality light emitting from the 1000w hps bulb.
Creating a 4'wX4'L footprint and the plants doubles in size of the flowering period.
I keep my lights 18"-21" away from the tops of the plants depending on the temperature of that day.
that gives me 15"-18" to play with.
The clone being 7" to start leaves you with 8"-11" inches to suffice over the next 2 months of flowering.
If the plant doubles in size you will be left with 1"-3" of unused quality light.
I'm trying to maximize the potential of those 1-3 inches.

My options are:
Veg the clones longer to grow taller then seven inches. Possibly grow them to about 1ft. Top them if they haven't started developing alternating nodes. End up with 2-4 main colas and some golfball nugs under those(thats the way my grows). instead of ending up with 1-1.5 ounces possibly ending with 1.75-2.5 ounces.
Lets say two ounces per plant doing it that way.
That reduced my plant numbers to 8 per pound/per light.

Option 2:
Flower strong females from seed grow them about 1.5 feet tall. Lollipop and top them leaving about 10 inches of plant material on top. 4-5 nodes consisting of 8-10 good size branches that will produce bigger then golf ball sized nugs and 2-4 main colas thus producing 2.5-3.5 ounces per plant.
That reduces my plant numbers to about 5-7 plants per light/per lbs.

Now your maybe thinking, why not just do that same thing with clones?
The only reason I don't is because of the node spacing of seed females vs clones.

Females from seed have more compact nodes then as of that of clones.
Meaning more bud sites per inch, and also the bud sites almost reach top canopy level.
When working with clones, the bottom buds sites dont get as close to canopy level.

Although a plus side for clones is you ALWAYS know what your getting and they are already used to the environment its in.
That is a big plus.
and the down side to seeds is you need to pop a lot to get a good number of strong females.

Sorry if im scattered.
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
FYI I didn't think you were trying to sell yours, just referencing what happens in the industry your all good man. I like toying with things some times too like I said before about my current project.

Beech I totally agree about the clones, but you'd have to go back several pages to find a long discussion about clones.....:face palm:......bongsmilie aaaahhh. I've been dealing with seeds the last 3 months for the first time in a few years really and well it takes time to fill a garden for sure. I'm am just this week gonna have a full tray again. That being said I am really excited about the new strains I'm running. My "Sweet Deep Grapefruit"(Grapefruit x BlueBerry I think DJs') from dinafem just started working on its second set of leaves and is pushing roots out of the peat plug so its going in a cup tonight. The first set is nice and wide so I'm hoping it leans towards the BB side of things and gives me a nice indica to add to my mix. That being said a guy told be tonight I may be getting some more new cuts. He asked if I wanted a Blue widow cut, and a Blackberry Kush cut, and I was like HELL YEAH! Then he told me it might be a small plant instead of a cut and my jaw almost dropped! We'll see if it happens but it would be cool as long as they are clean I'd be pissed if they brought anything bad with them....

Well anyway sorry to high jack I'm just high and started typing. Peace TC


Active Member
FYI I didn't think you were trying to sell yours, just referencing what happens in the industry your all good man. I like toying with things some times too like I said before about my current project.

Beech I totally agree about the clones, but you'd have to go back several pages to find a long discussion about clones.....:face palm:......bongsmilie aaaahhh. I've been dealing with seeds the last 3 months for the first time in a few years really and well it takes time to fill a garden for sure. I'm am just this week gonna have a full tray again. That being said I am really excited about the new strains I'm running. My "Sweet Deep Grapefruit"(Grapefruit x BlueBerry I think DJs') from dinafem just started working on its second set of leaves and is pushing roots out of the peat plug so its going in a cup tonight. The first set is nice and wide so I'm hoping it leans towards the BB side of things and gives me a nice indica to add to my mix. That being said a guy told be tonight I may be getting some more new cuts. He asked if I wanted a Blue widow cut, and a Blackberry Kush cut, and I was like HELL YEAH! Then he told me it might be a small plant instead of a cut and my jaw almost dropped! We'll see if it happens but it would be cool as long as they are clean I'd be pissed if they brought anything bad with them....

Well anyway sorry to high jack I'm just high and started typing. Peace TC

Blackberry kush is always a good choice. Post some pics of your plants when they get a little bigger.
Smoked blue widow a while ago but I'm not sure if it was legit. Seemed exactly like blue dream.
Good none the less though..


Well-Known Member
What i do is take larger clones 8"-10" then vegg till i can Fim em.Sometimes i will top them then Fim the tops.
Its crazy and dont always get the 4-6 tops from a Fim,But when I do it makes a awesome plant with 6 tops,and have achieved a clone grown over 2.5ozs,With about 2 -2.5 weeks veg before Flower.

Yea, i need to read the hole thread its modin tht keeps me too busy sometimes,But Fried I like your vegg clones longer idea the best!
p.s. I have vegged in DWC for 6 weeks and did a Scrog,and got almost 7ozs from 1 plant.Plus about a oz of some small buds.The 7 were hugh buds very very dense.Did it with a 400hps and got 3.5,but the buds are nowhere near the denseness of the 1k.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown both WW and Bigbud if thts what you have or Blueberry also.
Tht Bigbud was my go to strain for yield,Tht should make a great cross.
Can I ask why you would rather have seeds then cuts? Friedrice.....Im just the opposite give me good cuts,over seeds!!Alot faster doing perps and not having males and being able to really get to know the strain is priceless,IMO.
im with you on the clones over seed, especially once you have your mum identified, yes they are White Widow x Big Bud, from Female Seeds


Well-Known Member
I built my own grow room its 10'x10' x20' long,So ive got lots of room.Built platforms where every station is off the ground so my old ass dont have to do alot of bending over.
Will be adding Co2 when i get the room sealed.And a Chiller for my h20.
At the moment im all organic and have x4 1ks and 4-5 plants per,using my 4x4 trays.
Im the dude thts always playing around get bored just growing,so i do alittle breeding,Diy chit like cloners,DWC,name it ive probly tried it,OCD i guess.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, good on ya m8, id love to have that much room to work in. funny enough, only yesterday i was looking as to what equipment i'd need to make my own dwc spray cloner thingy, save a fortune on rooting gel and rockwool cubes/jiffy's/etc. with probably better results too lol. i have one 600w in a 1.2m tent environment, would have had two but had to pull the WW x BB out and build them a new home as they outgrew the tent they were in, (same size) and they were in an attic, further restricting me.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, good on ya m8, id love to have that much room to work in. funny enough, only yesterday i was looking as to what equipment i'd need to make my own dwc spray cloner thingy, save a fortune on rooting gel and rockwool cubes/jiffy's/etc. with probably better results too lol. i have one 600w in a 1.2m tent environment, would have had two but had to pull the WW x BB out and build them a new home as they outgrew the tent they were in, (same size) and they were in an attic, further restricting me.
Sry for the hijack Fried.

Ive built em in a cat liter box,To a 18g tote.Cheap.So easy....... I can get the link PM me if so.


Well-Known Member
I've got pics about 2-3 pages back in my journal fried, check my sig line. I may be taking some more tonight too.

My clones usually get between 2-3 weeks of veg time after they have roots. Not so much for the sake of vegging mostly to build roots, and wait for a spot to open up in my tray. When I flower them they are typically between 6-9 inchs. They usually end up about 3/4 of an oz a piece but with being one single solid cola I can run about 40 under a single 1k with out being over crowded to bad. This is gonna be my first time with that many in one tray last time it was 2 trays of 20 so I hope it goes well but I don't see why it won't. Heck if with 40 plants I pulled 25 oz I'd be happy, 1.5 lb from a 1k wouldn't be bad.


Active Member
What i do is take larger clones 8"-10" then vegg till i can Fim em.Sometimes i will top them then Fim the tops.
Its crazy and dont always get the 4-6 tops from a Fim,But when I do it makes a awesome plant with 6 tops,and have achieved a clone grown over 2.5ozs,With about 2 -2.5 weeks veg before Flower.

Yea, i need to read the hole thread its modin tht keeps me too busy sometimes,But Fried I like your vegg clones longer idea the best!
p.s. I have vegged in DWC for 6 weeks and did a Scrog,and got almost 7ozs from 1 plant.Plus about a oz of some small buds.The 7 were hugh buds very very dense.Did it with a 400hps and got 3.5,but the buds are nowhere near the denseness of the 1k.

I think im going to take larger clones, either that or veg them a little longer so they get about 10 inches tall.
I doubt im going to be fimming this grow at least. Maybe in a month when i fill the second 1000 watter and i can afford to phack up ill experiment with one.
I think what im going to do is veg until they are about 10 inches tall then top them.
Im pretty sure if I do that ill get a 1lbs per light with 12 plants.
Do you concur? haha
Im not 100% sure if thats what im gonna do though.
7 ounces is a damn good yield. I experienced with DWC back in my fluorescent days...
Veg growth rate was outstanding. The buds didn't come out good at all though.. Bad cure, bad light, bad days..
Live and learn though.. Im sure now if I went back to DWC I would do just fine and get a good yield, but it is a pain in the ass monitoring ph levels and changing the buckets every 10 days.
Went through tons of water. I now know, because im more educated about it, that I didn't have to change the buckets, just top it off.
Even with that though, a bottle of this, a bottle of that, just didnt sit right with me.

I built my own grow room its 10'x10' x20' long,So ive got lots of room.Built platforms where every station is off the ground so my old ass dont have to do alot of bending over.
Will be adding Co2 when i get the room sealed.And a Chiller for my h20.
At the moment im all organic and have x4 1ks and 4-5 plants per,using my 4x4 trays.
Im the dude thts always playing around get bored just growing,so i do alittle breeding,Diy chit like cloners,DWC,name it ive probly tried it,OCD i guess.
My room is 10'Lx6'Wx7'H. After this crop, i'll be doubling that though and have about that same setup as you.
Im thinking about picking up some 4x4 trays. SO MUCH EASIER then frigging plastic trays that break and cause leaks...

Sry for the hijack Fried.

Ive built em in a cat liter box,To a 18g tote.Cheap.So easy....... I can get the link PM me if so.
No worries.

I've got pics about 2-3 pages back in my journal fried, check my sig line. I may be taking some more tonight too.

My clones usually get between 2-3 weeks of veg time after they have roots. Not so much for the sake of vegging mostly to build roots, and wait for a spot to open up in my tray. When I flower them they are typically between 6-9 inchs. They usually end up about 3/4 of an oz a piece but with being one single solid cola I can run about 40 under a single 1k with out being over crowded to bad. This is gonna be my first time with that many in one tray last time it was 2 trays of 20 so I hope it goes well but I don't see why it won't. Heck if with 40 plants I pulled 25 oz I'd be happy, 1.5 lb from a 1k wouldn't be bad.
1.5lbs isn't bad at all. I would throw 20-25 plants under each light but im just trying to stay within my plant limits.
I'm just a little paranoid when it comes to that.
Maybe it's the pots...


Active Member
Here are the plants as of today..
The male has grown like 1.5 inches since yesterday...

As you can see in the first picture I added a new guy in there.

Some Ozark beauty strawberries that im going to be messing around with to keep me busy during my down time.
Just putting them under there until the weather starts to warm up a bit down here.(storm is coming)

In the second picture in the back right corner are probably two genetically challenged males that im going to be pulling out soon.



Active Member
Dr; I dont know if its just me but 3/4s of the attachments you posted aren't showing up.

Beech; Thanks, and thanks for sending that video.
I think i'm going to head over to home depot and pick up some stuff haha.

Where can you get those neoprene plugs at?
Hydro store?


Well-Known Member
Yep,I used 3" with-slit.Figure how your drianing imo the biggest isssue..Friedrice..........IF you know what a Waterfarm DWC buckett is do it like that.... The drain .While your there I need some commercial h202 35percent. ;-)


Active Member
Yep,I used 3" with-slit.Figure how your drianing imo the biggest isssue..Friedrice..........IF you know what a Waterfarm DWC buckett is do it like that.... The drain .While your there I need some commercial h202 35percent. ;-)

Got some root problems?


Well-Known Member
No,I use it to clean my DWC bucketts,and during the grow.
I coundnt stand it anymore and had to clean a couple of my Waterfarms,Said i wasnt going to do Soiless till I got a chiller but i miss it so im back to getting my feet wet!


Well-Known Member
they're not showing up as pictures as usual on my screen either, only attachments but i can see them all when i click on them, ill try summin now, copy n paste one or just downsize a new post to one pic of each or summin lol.