The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

Government CANT' "create jobs".

tell that to the farmers in the san joaquin valley who depend on the california aqueduct or to the entire cities of phjoenix or las vegas who depend on the hoover dam.

what a douche you must feel like.
I didnt know the roads sewers and other infrastructure in your area was all done by private funding

the funding for those projects came from private persons and private industries through taxation. the government produces no economic activity, they simply take money form (almost) everybody and direct it to where they feel it is most useful, and in the cases you cite, they benefits to all are obvious, but in the case of Sacramento dumping MILLIONS into building a new basketball arena which will be presented to the Maloofs as a gift, the benefit goes to the Maloofs, the contractors who will build it, and the financiers who will hold the debt for the next 100 years or so.

they did the same thing in '88, and that arena still stands and is still used, and will continue to be used for the forseeable future. the maloofs just want a more luxurious arena, with more luxury boxes which will profit THEM and not the taxpayers who will foot the bill.

"high speed rail" will benefit the contractors, the land speculators, and the LA millionaire assholes who now will not have to go through the TSA on their weekend trips to the wine country. it wont do shioot for commuters, it will not relieve congestion and it will not provide a means to get goods to market.

two examples. there are many.
tell that to the farmers in the san joaquin valley who depend on the california aqueduct or to the entire cities of phjoenix or las vegas who depend on the hoover dam.

what a douche you must feel like.

the government didnt "create" shit, they taxed, and borrowed to fund a project which is overall a good thing. and the eco-loons would dispute the utility of either project.
the government didnt "create" shit, they taxed, and borrowed to fund a project which is overall a good thing. and the eco-loons would dispute the utility of either project.

the hoover dam didn't contract itself, nor did the california aqueduct. private industries didn't get together and decide to do it either.

the government created the california aqueduct and the hoover dam, and those projects now mean employment for millions and millions of people.
the hoover dam didn't contract itself, nor did the california aqueduct. private industries didn't get together and decide to do it either.

the government created the california aqueduct and the hoover dam, and those projects now mean employment for millions and millions of people.

you are hiding behind a thin veil of semantics.

the government drafted a plan, and taxed the people and industry to fund the project.

the actual financial power, and labour to create this project did NOT come from government, it came from We The People. the government just drew up the plans and issued the orders.

without the tax base to fund their operations, the government cannot do shit, since they have no creative power whatsoever, and no authority unless we give it to them.

many projects dreamed up by government are NOT good for anyone but the government officials and their courtiers, but even those projects exist SOLELY as a result of OUR money and sweat which they claim through taxation.
you are hiding behind a thin veil of semantics.

no, that's what you're trying to do.

if private industry didn't get together and decide we should make the hoover dam, and private citizens didn't*get together and decide we should make the hoover dam, then who did?

oh, i know. THE GOVERNMENT did. the government created the hoover dam. the government made the contracts and paid the dollars.

ditto the california aqueduct. the best part are the signs on the west side of the san joaquin valley calling it a "congress created dust bowl". it's not the fault of congress that they signed up last for the water that the government they bemoan made possible for them in the first place.

back to your normally scheduled indignant miss kynes rant.
no, that's what you're trying to do.

if private industry didn't get together and decide we should make the hoover dam, and private citizens didn't*get together and decide we should make the hoover dam, then who did?

oh, i know. THE GOVERNMENT did. the government created the hoover dam. the government made the contracts and paid the dollars.

ditto the california aqueduct. the best part are the signs on the west side of the san joaquin valley calling it a "congress created dust bowl". it's not the fault of congress that they signed up last for the water that the government they bemoan made possible for them in the first place.

back to your normally scheduled indignant miss kynes rant.

You're full of shit, commie. Only communist countries work that way. You line up for everything no matter your class for hours. Much worse than the WWII ration stamps or 70s gas scare.

If you want to live like that, sista, swim on over to Cuba. They'll love a whiny wigger like yourself there.

Look at who does the weights and measures for your gas on the side of the pump. Guess what, commie, it's private industry. Nearly everything is private here, but hidden behind thinly veiled government stamps. We then put requirements which only allow your butt pirate buddies the contracts. Through Czars, green friendly licenses, community organizers, affirmative action, the association of black parenting, USA La Raza, etc.

Maybe one day you'll have your wish and Americans will become the wetbacks sneaking into Canada.
You're full of shit, commie. Only communist countries work that way. You line up for everything no matter your class for hours. Much worse than the WWII ration stamps or 70s gas scare.

If you want to live like that, sista, swim on over to Cuba. They'll love a whiny wigger like yourself there.

Look at who does the weights and measures for your gas on the side of the pump. Guess what, commie, it's private industry. Nearly everything is private here, but hidden behind thinly veiled government stamps. We then put requirements which only allow your butt pirate buddies the contracts. Through Czars, green friendly licenses, community organizers, affirmative action, the association of black parenting, USA La Raza, etc.

Maybe one day you'll have your wish and Americans will become the wetbacks sneaking into Canada.

racist rabbit swings and misses.

private citizens and businesses did not get together and just decide to build the hoover dam, the government did.

private citizens and businesses did not get together and just decide to build the california aqueduct, the government did.

deal with it, racist rabbit.
the government didnt "create" shit, they taxed, and borrowed to fund a project which is overall a good thing. and the eco-loons would dispute the utility of either project.

You're just on the wrong side of everything. I mean from literally every angle. And arrogant too. You should run for office. But you'd probably get thrown out after they find you luring kids into your van with candy.
No stealing the product of someone's labor is selfish. Getting paid for the value of what you produce is common sense.
If they paid you for it, it isn't stealing. Just because you don't make much, doesn't mean you're getting ripped off, it means you're getting paid for the value of your work, which apparently isn't worth much. You seem to think you're worth more than anyone else does, since nobody seems to be willing to pay you much. An increase in the minimum wage would likely mean the end of your employment.
So the nutty racist rabbit who is usually spewing some ridiculous conspiracy theory is calling me a buffoon for pointing out the obvious. Obviously the main point went right over your troubled head again. Once you lose the tin hat you might have a little more credibility.
You ARE a buffoon. Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean it's "over their heads". It may mean you are just wrong, as the case is now. If you're making minimum wage and you're over 21, you're a failure. You can try all you like to convince yourself it's someone else's fault you're a failure, or you can improve your education, skills, work ethic, or some combination and live a better life. You seem to have chosen the former.
Mark Twain said " "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." I saw it on television (okay, can't quote a source) that we have lost, and continue to lose jobs that pay well. And the new jobs that are created are mostly on the low end of the pay scale.
And increasingly more part time with no health benefits.
no, that's what you're trying to do.

if private industry didn't get together and decide we should make the hoover dam, and private citizens didn't*get together and decide we should make the hoover dam, then who did?

oh, i know. THE GOVERNMENT did. the government created the hoover dam. the government made the contracts and paid the dollars.

ditto the california aqueduct. the best part are the signs on the west side of the san joaquin valley calling it a "congress created dust bowl". it's not the fault of congress that they signed up last for the water that the government they bemoan made possible for them in the first place.

back to your normally scheduled indignant miss kynes rant.

and who enslaved the populace to build the pyramids? government did, who enslaved the populace to build the great wall of china? government did, who enslaved the populace to build washington DC? government did.

who built the empire state building? private enterprise. who built the irrigation systems before the hoover dam? private enterprise did. who built the cities of san francisco, new york, los angeles, and every city in america? private enterprise did.

government is an extension of the WILL of the populace in a free society, much like a corporation made of the shareholders (us) with a board of directors answerable (in theory) to those sharehoders. every shareholder doesnt have to agree with the actions of their government, just as all shareholders dont have to be unanimous on an issue of corporate governance, but when the board makes moves which are entirely for their personal gain, rather than that of the shareholders they can bounce the putzes onto the street. government makes that process more difficult, but it's still the same.

pretending that government does ANYTHING real by their own labour or capital is as ridiculous as claiming the corporate board of directors of GM actually makes cars.

government drafts plans and acts upon those plans through US, not through their own sweat and money. it's OUR shit at work under their direction, and it's the PEOPLE who pay for everything and do the work. government is just executive assholes collecting their pay on the assumption that they will manage OUR resources and labour wisely. they dont actually touch the hammer or the bricks, and they sure as fuck dont create the capital and wealth they spend. that ALL comes from us.

well ok, not you maybe, but the rest of us.