creek water

Yo what's up guys this summer I'm doing a 9-10 plant auto grow and I was wondering could I use creek water cause there's one that runs right near my grow. I want to do this cause I don't want to have to care 9-10 gallons that's just to much. Now the water seems pretty good there's plants and what not that are living on the banks and they get fucking big and also fish and I see deer live And drink out of it so its seems Like pretty descent water. Let me know what you guys think I really don't want to have to carry that much water there.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
go buy a few vials of water purification pills from dicks if you don't trust whats upstream, my case theres just a pond above the hill


Well-Known Member
I've used irrigation water for the past 4 years..It's right out of a river and have never had problems. All the orchardists around me use it, so it must get checked.