New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???


I'm planning on starting my first grow with 4 DWC buckets...standard 5 gallon ones...but I see that net pots come in several diameters...from reading, it seems that the bigger pots would yield a bigger plant? Is that true, with everything else being equal? Any recommendation as to which size to use and why? I'm not confined by space so one of my goals is to grow as much as possible...obviously I want it to be good, but again, all else being equal, I'm not limited by space, should a 10" yield more...thanks in advance...

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Just what I use....3in for my establishe clones, 6in when they get too big for the 3in.
And I have 2, 10in for the really bushy girls, like mothers.

Unless you're going to veg for a long time, a 6in should be the largest you'll need. Don't cheap out, buy the lid with the 6in pot built in, it'll hold a heavier plant and is more stable.


Well-Known Member
In hydro the relationship of pot size to plant size is almost non-existent. I use only 2" from clone to harvest and not unusual to have a 4-6 oz plant.


Well-Known Member
In hydro the relationship of pot size to plant size is almost non-existent. I use only 2" from clone to harvest and not unusual to have a 4-6 oz plant.

this is very good info, also the smaller ones are easier to work with, like i use the 4 inch ones i believe and its as easy as popping the top off the bucket and moving it over a bit, i can take readings and stuff / look around very easily. not going to happen with a huge netpot thats for sure.

edit> also another thought is that you wont have to buy as much hydroton, thats a semi-bonus right? Who doesnt like saving some bills


In hydro the relationship of pot size to plant size is almost non-existent. I use only 2" from clone to harvest and not unusual to have a 4-6 oz plant.
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but r u saying u get 4-6 oz's of dried material off one plant?


Well-Known Member
I'm a 3" ER myself..:mrgreen: I used to use 6" and buckets but switched to 3" (start to finish) while using a tote instead..never had a problem,the pots get wrecked but who cares,micro price to pay..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it costs me 13¢ per plant for netpot and collar. No media needed I just use the pull to length twist tie line and secure plant to the outer lip of the bucket. Makes for very easy bucket swaps when changing notes.


Well-Known Member
You name the basket size and someones using it, and will swear that it's the best they've ever used....That's the way it was with me. Most DWC don't use the 10" baskets...I started with waterfarms, moved on to 10" lid baskets in modified 5 gal igloos, guess I got hooked on bigger is better... I run 2 in flower,1 in veg, 30 days apart, three plants are enough for me... For me, a plant with less than 1/2 lb. of manicured bud would piss me off..
I know I posted this in another thread, I'm still trying to figure out how to manage my attachments. I just wanted to link to it, not have the picture again,.. sorry about that...58 days 12/12


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I'm planning on starting my first grow with 4 DWC buckets...standard 5 gallon ones...but I see that net pots come in several diameters...from reading, it seems that the bigger pots would yield a bigger plant? Is that true, with everything else being equal? Any recommendation as to which size to use and why? I'm not confined by space so one of my goals is to grow as much as possible...obviously I want it to be good, but again, all else being equal, I'm not limited by space, should a 10" yield more...thanks in advance...
Hello gcs699...

I have only used the 10" net pots, I like to use the drip rings so I stay with the 10" baskets ....It is very common for me to get at least 8 Oz's per plant and sometimes up to 12 Oz's per plant...Good luck with your grow....nitro..


You name the basket size and someones using it, and will swear that it's the best they've ever used....That's the way it was with me. Most DWC don't use the 10" baskets...I started with waterfarms, moved on to 10" lid baskets in modified 5 gal igloos, guess I got hooked on bigger is better... I run 2 in flower,1 in veg, 30 days apart, three plants are enough for me... For me, a plant with less than 1/2 lb. of manicured bud would piss me off..
I know I posted this in another thread, I'm still trying to figure out how to manage my attachments. I just wanted to link to it, not have the picture again,.. sorry about that...58 days 12/12

I see your scrog set up in that that how you always do it? And do u recommend that for a beginner like myself?


Well-Known Member
Why wait? Read the scrog sticky.. Then you can decide.. Be aware of one thing about scrog, once you start, it's like a monkey on your back... You can't stop..
By the way the screen is 24x42.


Well-Known Member
Just your standard answer designed to cut down on spoon feeding and promote reading. You need advice on growing decisions,, most members are more than willing to help.. There's a wealth of information to be found browsing the forums. If I hurt your feelings suggesting you look... sorry bout that..


Just your standard answer designed to cut down on spoon feeding and promote reading. You need advice on growing decisions,, most members are more than willing to help.. There's a wealth of information to be found browsing the forums. If I hurt your feelings suggesting you look... sorry bout that..
LOL...hurt my feelings? general point is I have done reading...a lot...and I'm honestly tired of it...part of the problem is the sticky's get all clogged up with extra stuff...some are over 100 pages long...