Best Drug for Hangover


Most people like to have a drink now and again. They certainly do and they hate hangovers and think they have tried most popular methods of getting over a hangover quicker. But which drug is the best for curing a hangover?


Virtually Unknown Member
Most people like to have a drink now and again. They certainly do and they hate hangovers and think they have tried most popular methods of getting over a hangover quicker. But which drug is the best for curing a hangover?
Now had you said ameliorate, my answer would have been different........

Time! the corrector when our judgments err. ~Lord Byron



Active Member
Yeah, best way to cure a hangover...Dont drink in the first place!! ... but if you do... smoke a bowl when you wake up... PROBLEM SOLVED!

(which leads me to....Is there REALLY someone on a MARIJUANA GROWING forum that doesn't know that it's the best hangover medicine EVER?!?!? mind = blown)

"People can't live without the herb man, if not they'd be drinkin and drivin and swervin'" - C.Hill


Well-Known Member
honestly weed is good and all but if your at a friends house who doesnt smoke alka seltzer works like you wouldnt believe this russian chick and i were throwing back tequila horrible idea i had to be at work at 8 the next moring even worse idea didnt get to sleep till 4 she had some in her purse i went from couldnt stand to no hangover whatsoever omw to work with one eye closed fairly certain i was still drunk only problem is it doesnt last so long a hour tops but sometimes when you have a really bad one a hour can be everything


Well-Known Member
their is no cure for a hangover thats one of the reasons I don't drink any more I hate hangovers. I don't know what seerockcity be trippin on but weed don't help a damn bit for me now cocaine on the other hand now that will help you out real good give you all the energy you need. but fuck drinking I'd rather boot a few bags of dope before I get shit faced.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Most people like to have a drink now and again. They certainly do and they hate hangovers and think they have tried most popular methods of getting over a hangover quicker. But which drug is the best for curing a hangover?
A nip of hair from the dog that bit you, and O2


Well-Known Member
Drop a few hits of acid.
LSD has also been show in studies done in the UK to treat alcoholism succesfully.


Active Member
their is no cure for a hangover thats one of the reasons I don't drink any more I hate hangovers. I don't know what seerockcity be trippin on but weed don't help a damn bit for me now cocaine on the other hand now that will help you out real good give you all the energy you need. but fuck drinking I'd rather boot a few bags of dope before I get shit faced.
I was an alcoholic for years man.... my wake and bake was the ONLY reason I was a functioning alcoholic.... dosent get rid of the hangover...but it can certainly distract you from it.
you must smoke some shit weed if it doesn't help your hangovers.... go find a decent strain... lay off the schwagg

cocaine is a maturity test...if you are still doing it... you failed the test...
shit..for that matter meth can cure a hangover...and the flu and laziness.... but maybe we just need the consequences of our actions.... instead of more illicit substances to cover up the effects of other drugs that we continue to consume and regret.


Well-Known Member
Drop a few hits of acid.
LSD has also been show in studies done in the UK to treat alcoholism succesfully.
that seems counter productive no longer hanging over but now tripping your face off sounds like bad news to me


Well-Known Member
that seems counter productive no longer hanging over but now tripping your face off sounds like bad news to me
for real I ate shrooms when I had a hangover not even an 1/8th and I had a bad trip but it wasn't so much from the hangover cause it started when I went to the store and saw two cops I started freaking out went home and I kept freaking out till it wore off hands down the worst trip of my life.


Well-Known Member
I was an alcoholic for years man.... my wake and bake was the ONLY reason I was a functioning alcoholic.... dosent get rid of the hangover...but it can certainly distract you from it.
you must smoke some shit weed if it doesn't help your hangovers.... go find a decent strain... lay off the schwagg

cocaine is a maturity test...if you are still doing it... you failed the test...
shit..for that matter meth can cure a hangover...and the flu and laziness.... but maybe we just need the consequences of our actions.... instead of more illicit substances to cover up the effects of other drugs that we continue to consume and regret.
hahaha you mean you must be smoking shit weed since you where a lush. I don't drink much at all damn sure not enough to get a hangover but I was 16 once too and if you where still a lush after your teens you got no room too talk about maturity. sure I like coke and I like dope but its not like I do either even once a week while your getting so shitfaced on a daily basis your a fucking lush you can't tell me shit other then your weak. I smoke dank weed and dank hash daily and I haven't even seen schwag in a few years and I don't plan on seeing it anytime soon as you can tell weeds my drug off choice but for you its clearly alcohol so stfu you fucking alcoholic.:finger:

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I was an alcoholic for years man.... my wake and bake was the ONLY reason I was a functioning alcoholic.... dosent get rid of the hangover...but it can certainly distract you from it.
you must smoke some shit weed if it doesn't help your hangovers.... go find a decent strain... lay off the schwagg

cocaine is a maturity test...if you are still doing it... you failed the test...
shit..for that matter meth can cure a hangover...and the flu and laziness.... but maybe we just need the consequences of our actions.... instead of more illicit substances to cover up the effects of other drugs that we continue to consume and regret.
hahaha you mean you must be smoking shit weed since you where a lush. I don't drink much at all damn sure not enough to get a hangover but I was 16 once too and if you where still a lush after your teens you got no room too talk about maturity. sure I like coke and I like dope but its not like I do either even once a week while your getting so shitfaced on a daily basis your a fucking lush you can't tell me shit other then your weak. I smoke dank weed and dank hash daily and I haven't even seen schwag in a few years and I don't plan on seeing it anytime soon as you can tell weeds my drug off choice but for you its clearly alcohol so stfu you fucking alcoholic.:finger:
He was an alcoholic. You don't know if he still is. Cool your jets. You're clearly offended by his comment about cocaine. Trying to rationalize your actions by belittling someone else makes you a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Most people like to have a drink now and again. They certainly do and they hate hangovers and think they have tried most popular methods of getting over a hangover quicker. But which drug is the best for curing a hangover?
hydrate yourself. While drinking drink water, after drinking drink water, in the morning after drink water.
Alcohol massively dehydrates the body. It won't completely cure a hangover completely, but it will take care of a lot of it.


Well-Known Member
A good "remedy" for hangovers is greasy foods. You will have to force yourself to eat it, you might even yak, but damn ull feel good after eating all that nasty shit. Cheeburgers hot dogs fries, fried, just stuff it down and you'll be A-OK.

Couple ibuprofens, n some electrolytes like gatorade or smart water.


Well-Known Member
A good "remedy" for hangovers is greasy foods. You will have to force yourself to eat it, you might even yak, but damn ull feel good after eating all that nasty shit. Cheeburgers hot dogs fries, fried, just stuff it down and you'll be A-OK.

Couple ibuprofens, n some electrolytes like gatorade or smart water. beat me to the "remedy" that works everytime^^^^^^^^^^^^^..the only thing missing..FULL sugar coke and you're good to roll!!


Well-Known Member
I smoke.. Wait for the hunger, greasy foods and Gatorade to soak that booze up, then an opioid of some form and relax till you start drinking again. Take years off your life I'm sure, but I don't want to make it to diaper status