Help PlZ! Nutrient question


Active Member
this is my first time, i vegged 7 weeks jus tarted 12/12 thi week. so i dont know what all those numbers mean! it says 1 tbl of big bloom per gallon and 1-2tsp tiger per gallon so i dont really know to operate it. im told every 3-5 day is good for this amount! i got 6 sexy babes

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
anyone help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
PPM is the a system of measuring total dissolved solids(tds). If you mix the foxfarm as directed the ppm range will most likely be over the desired range your looking for(to much nutes----to high of an ppm-----plant nutrient burn) thus when you hear the discussions of use 1/2 or 1/4 doses of nutes in the same amount of water, you are lowering the ppm in solution to bring it into the desired range for your application-----a good baseline for flowering in soil is 1100-1600 ppm's.(note: the number is not set in stone-some plants like the ppm in the lower range while others like there nutes in the higher range of the baseline).

Back to your original question-----Take a gallon of h2o-----add your tiger bloom then stir, then add your big bloom and stir---next check your ppm and add more h20 until you reach the desired ppm, next ph your water to 6.2-6.3 then feed your plants.-------You don't want to mix the nutrients directly with each other due to the fact that some nutrients in a certain range will lock out others if mixed directly. Hope this helps answer your questions.


Well-Known Member
yea u can mix both of them together in water just make sure u dilute it so its not to strong, and u should also try using each one separte on 2 individual plants to c wich one come out better


Well-Known Member
some flowering foods are used as the main and there are other foods like Blossom Blood and SUPERthrive or B-1 Thrive


Well-Known Member
if you want youre answer you should have posted this in hydroponics section ...just my .02 cents